Calculations for annual leave
Annual leave is automatically calculated by the College's absence and leave system, TeamSeer. However, if you would like to understand the calculation yourself please follow the guidance below.
Calculating annual leave for:
New starters
Calculating holiday leave
Your available holiday leave can be viewed by logging into the availability and absence management system, TeamSeer. If you wish to calculate your holiday leave for any other reason, here is how we work it out for new starters.
No. of days holiday full entitlement per year
12 months
No. of months worked in current leave year (rounded up to the nearest half day)
days holiday leave
Mandatory leave
You are entitled to the mandatory leave days that occur during the leave year that you work.
Part-time staff
Calculating holiday leave
Your available holiday leave can be viewed by logging into the availability and absence management system, TeamSeer. If you wish to calculate your holiday leave for any other reason, here is how we work it out for part-time staff.
If you work two and a half days per week, your holiday leave will be 12.5 days.
Part-time holiday leave if you work full days for part of the week:
No. of days per week worked
5 (the number of standard full-time days in a working week)
No. of days holiday full entitlement per year
days holiday leave
Part-time holiday leave if you work varying hours of every day in a week, but the same amount of hours per week:
No. of part-time hours per week worked
5 (the number of standard full-time days in a working week)
hours holiday leave
Note: Leave days consitute the hours usually worked in a day.
Calculating mandatory leave
Part-time staff will be given a pro-rata mandatory leave entitlement based on the total number of hours that they work per week. The entitlement will be quoted in either days or hours depending on your working pattern.
TeamSeer will calculate your annual leave entitlement and will take into account, any adjustment in relation to your pro rata mandatory leave entitlement (inclusive of bank holidays), if applicable. TeamSeer will calculate this based on your working pattern and the number of hours/days you work in the week. The calculation will take in account which days the bank holidays and College mandatory days fall on in relation to your working pattern. If your pro-rata mandatory leave entitlement exceeds the number of mandatory days you need to take, the balance will be added to your holiday leave entitlement. Conversely, if your normal working day falls on a Mandatory day and you have an insufficient pro-rata Mandatory Leave entitlement to cover these days, you will be required to take the balance from your Holiday Leave entitlement.
Tool to calculate
You can also use our Annual leave calculators below to work out your holiday leave and mandatory leave entitlements, depending on the number of mandatory leave days available in the year.
Employees leaving the College
Calculating holiday leave
Your available holiday leave can be viewed by logging into the availability and absence management system, TeamSeer. If you wish to calculate your holiday leave for any other reason, here is how we work it out for staff leaving the College.
Full time staff
No. of days holiday full entitlement per year
12 months
No. of months left in employ (rounded up to the nearest half day)
days holiday leave
Part-time staff
See Part-time staff calculations and use the above formula to work out your remaining holiday leave.
Mandatory leave
Staff who leave the College will be entitled to the mandatory leave days that occur during the leave year that you are employed.
No payment will be made in respect of mandatory leave upon termination of employment.