Wellbeing survey
College Wellbeing Survey
The May 2021 Wellbeing Survey has now closed. Thank you to everyone who completed the survey.
We know that across the staff community you are still having different experiences depending on the nature of your role, your domestic situation, caring responsibilities, plus the physical health of you and your families. This is why we are repeating the termly Wellbeing Survey that we carried out in May and September 2020, then February 2021.
In the survey, this time we have included questions to ask for your feedback on health and wellbeing support and any examples of good practice or local initiatives that have taken place over the last year. Taking annual leave is essential for both mental and physical health and wellbeing and so we want to hear about any concerns that you think may prevent you from taking your usual annual leave this year. Your feedback is extremely valuable and will help us to put in place additional support where possible.
Following the feedback we received from the previous wellbeing surveys, we have implemented some changes including: new online meeting protocols, no expectation that staff respond outside of normal working hours to email, home working guidance, a Wellbeing Day on 3 July, and new guidance implemented supporting maximum flexibility for those with caring responsibilities.
If you have any questions about the survey itself, please email the Staff Survey inbox.