
The Professional Services Transformation (PST) Satisfaction Survey ran from 19 October to 2 November 2020 and was designed to measure and baseline end user satisfaction across Finance, HR and Research Administration. Representation was wide with 541 responses received in total from across the College. Questions were asked in the form of positive statements, with responses on a 'strongly agree' to 'strongly disagree' scale, in addition to open text questions asking for suggestions for improvements.

You told us...

Below is a summary of the free text comments that were recieved related to HR. The summary is based on an independent interpretation of the free text comments that were provided in the Survey:


Staff Hub

The Staff Hub system and wait times are frustrating and responses are inconsistent.  There were requests for features that would enable staff to be able to indicate/escalate urgency.

Recruitment Hub

Contracts are issued too late, and contract changes are slow to be processed. Contract changes requested are often prone to errors.


There is appetite for more online forms, to replace emailed word documents; and more end-to-end process should be made available online. More automation would be welcomed. 

Our HR Action Plan

Staff Hub

"System and wait times are frustrating"

  • Introduction of more online forms will further improve response times. 
  • Current Service Level objective is to introduce standard response times of 2 working days for the majority of queries and 5 working days for the majority of service requests. This is under review and was discussed at HR User Group meeting. 

Deadline: January - June 2021

"Responses inconsistent and not always helpful"

  • Targeted training sessions with subject matter experts to address knowledge gaps within the team.
  • Staff Hub Managers review all negative feedback comments and address issues directly with individuals.
  • Customer service framework introduced – this includes customer service training and will be linked to ongoing performance management and 1-to-1 support for Staff Hub team.  
  • Development of escalation matrix to ensure queries reach the currect person urgently.

Deadline: ongoing 

"It would be useful to be able to indicate urgency"

  • HR Portal includes an option to indicate urgency when raising a query, however it cannot be guaranteed that urgent requests received after the deadline will be processed. The HR Staff Hub endeavours to process urgent queries as quickly as possible in particular to avoid negative impact on our employees, within the constraints of conflicting deadlines. We will be highlighting the additional features and encouraging use of the HR Portal through targeted communications to frequent users and the wider College community.

Dealine: March 2021

"Unclear who to contact for confidential HR issues"

  • Communications to be developed to regularly advertise routes (Staff Hub, Strategic Support).

Deadline: March 2021

"Contract changes are slow to be processed and prone to errors"

  • Evidence suggests that we are able to respond more quickly to online forms than word/excel documents or unstructured emails and we are currently developing an online contract change form.
  • The use of dropdown menus and mandatory fields within the form will ensure better data quality and fewer processing errors.

Deadline: April 2021

  • In response to department feedback during initial UAT, the form will allow multiple change types to be included in a single request and use new HR Portal functionality to enable the department, finance and research approvals to be completed online.

Deadline: May/June 2021

  • Since implementation we have enhanced the form based on feedback and will establish a Working Group to provide direction on further enhancements and to increase adoption.

Deadline: July 2021

Recruitment Hub

"Contracts issued too late – leaves new starters insecure and can delay start times"

  • Resolved through moving contract generation to Recruitment Hub in most cases – average contract generation time now 1-2 days.   Introduction of online request to recruit form will reduce effort for contract requests.

Status: resolved

"Recruitment related tasks that moved from HR to departments have increased local workload"

  • This seems to vary depending on the original operating model and current level of integration with recruitment hub – recruitment team has developed a service catalogue to make boundaries of responsibility clear and feed in to future PST work.

Status: ongoing




"Appetite for online forms to replace word documents that have to be emailed"

Our aim is to replace all forms with online versions although this presents significant challenges, particularly with regards to local process variations, complex approval requirements and system limitations. We are currently working on online versions of the following forms:

  • Contract Changes
  • New Honorary Associations
  • Shared Parental Leave
  • Job Evaluation Form

Deadline: April 2021

"Appetite for end to end process to be available and visible online"

We are expanding the knowledge base within the HR Portal to provide users with clear information about HR services and better signposting to existing guidance and policy documentation.   Process maps to be included with this as appropriate

Status: ongoing

"Need to listen to customer experiences and respond to feedback"

  • Establishment of HR User Group – two meeting have now taken place
  • All negative responses reviewed by Staff Hub team and outcomes shared with HR User Group
  • Following second user group – comments now turned on for negative and neutral responses

Status: completed and ongoing