E-learning Advisory Panel
The e-Learning Advisory Panel advises on strategic aspects, delivers on tactical aspects and monitors operational aspects of technology-enhanced learning, teaching and assessment across the college. The ELAP receives reports from the E-learning Implementation Groups and feeds into the Vice Provost's Online Learning Implementation Group
Elap info
Terms of Reference
- To keep up-to-date with college-wide strategy, through noting reports from the Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) and other relevant committees, and provide input as requested on strategic issues relating to learning technology.
- To promote innovation, evaluation and adoption of evidence-based practices in relation to learning technology to improve our students’ learning experience.
- To plan, develop and oversee the implementation of learning technologies and services across the college.
- To monitor and coordinate the effective delivery and operation of learning technology services across the college through the consideration of reports from faculty committees with an e-learning remit (ELIGs or equivalents); project boards, relating to major learning technology projects; ELAP working groups; ICT (reports on LT systems and BAU projects); EDU; and the Online Learning Innovation Group (OLIG).
Digital Learning Hub
Gideon Shimshon, Director, Digital LearningHub
Monika Pazio, Teaching Fellow, Educational Development Unit
Faculty of Engineering
- Martin Holloway, Academic Tutor, Bioengineering
- Shireen Lock, Principal Learning Technologist
Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Phil Ramsden, Principal Teaching Fellow, Maths
- Moira Sarsfield, Principal Learning Technologist
Faculty of Medicine
- Undergraduate: Lisa Carrier, Head of Technology Enhanced Education
- Postgraduate: Agnieszka Malisz, E-learning Technologist / Katie Stripe, E-learning Technologist
Imperial College Business School
- Phil Tulip, Edtech Operations Manager
Cross College
- Ella Mitchell, Education Support Manager, Library
- John Ramsey, Acting E-Learning Support Team Lead
- Jonathan Blatchford, E-Learning Technical Manager
- Mike Horner, Service Line Manager (Education)
Meeting dates
- 26 September 2017
- 28 November 2017
- 23 January 2018
- 17 April 2018
- 3 July 2018
The minuutes of the E-learning Advisory Panel are availble on Sharepoint