Information for students on F101, F104 degree courses

Language Project (5 ECTS)

The project should be related to your own interests and should be based on the material in the foreign language. It could include topics of local historical, geographical or cultural importance. It should not be of a highly technical nature. The minimum length is 1,500 words and the maximum 2,000. It should be written in French / German / Spanish. Language coordinators will be pleased to advise you on the choice of topic if you would like to discuss it.

The project must be your own work

You must include a list of references, websites and a bibliographical section with all the materials you have used. The usual Imperial College rules on plagiarism applyYou are encouraged to use interviews when researching your project, where this is appropriate, as this will help develop your language skills.

Organisation and presentation are important

The organisation and presentation of your project are important. Make sure there is a table of contents, an introduction and conclusion. Where appropriate, include graphics: photographs and diagrams.

You will have to discuss the project in French / German / Spanish

This will happen in your oral exam on your return. The date for this will normally be on your return in June, to be agreed with your language coordinator.  Please contact your Language Coordinator in due course so that we can fix a suitable date/time. The oral exam, lasting about 30 minutes, will include a discussion of your project and a more general conversation about your study abroad, including your Chemistry study.

Decide on your topic as soon as possible

This will enable you to start gathering material early on. Let us know your topic as soon as possible, at the latest by Christmas. 

Send the Co-ordinator an outline of your project by 31st January at the latest. This outline should be in the shape of an abstract where the main topic, sub-sections and methodology are discussed (100-150 words).

When to submit your finished project

Two copies of the finished project must reach us at least one week before the oral examination - usually by the end of May- so that we can read it beforehand. Keep a copy of your project as we will discuss it in the oral exam. 

Chemistry with Research Abroad Language Project Guidelines 2019-20 n

Language Project Assessment

Your project will be assessed on the following: 

  • Project proposal (to be received within the specified deadline)        10% 
  • Project (based on content, language and presentation)                      55%
  • Oral exam (based on content, discussion and language ability)         35%


The aim of your project is to show that you have coherently researched and reported on an aspect of your host country’s culture or history during your year abroad and that you are able to present your findings in appropriately sophisticated French/German/Spanish. 


The project needs to be submitted by Friday 22 April 2022.

Your project should be formatted in double spacing. It is your responsibility to keep a backup copy in case of mishap. You should submit two copies and also supply an electronic copy should the examiners request it. The word count (1500 to 2000 words) should exclude the abstract, footnotes or bibliography and must be clearly stated at the end of your report. 

Organizing your project write-up

While this is a short project, you must ensure that it has a coherent structure. We suggest you use the following headings to organize your work.

Abstract (no more than 100 words). Outline the scope of your project (what topics you cover), describe your method and give your main conclusions.

Introduction. This should explain why you chose your topic (your rationale) and give a brief background to the subject. You should also be clear here about your ‘research question’. What are you investigating? 

Method. Even if you are doing book-based research (a literature review, for example) you still need to outline your methodology. This section should show how you collected your data. If you interviewed people, give details here. You could divide this section, if appropriate, into ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ sources. Primary sources are materials that are ‘first-hand’ or original documents, e.g. diaries, letters, interviews, maps, artworks and theatrical productions. Secondary sources are commentaries on or interpretations of primary sources. These include journal articles, books, biographies, text books and encyclopedias.

Discussion. In this section you should discuss your findings and provide an analysis (this means that your discussion should not merely be descriptive but should provide an interpretation of your material). You should relate your discussion back to your research question and put your findings in the context of the work of others. Finally, you should outline what insights you have gained from the project. 

Bibliography. This is a list of references you cited in your write-up and also other sources you consulted that informed your work but are not directly referred to in the text. It is essential to acknowledge your sources by citing them in the text and in the reference list. If you have used the words of others verbatim, these must appear in quotations marks, cited, and listed in the bibliography. If you do not do this, you will be plagiarising.

You MUST consult either the library’s resource on how to cite references or the Languages Student Handbook. Please ask if you are unsure about this.



Dr Luke Delmas (

Language contacts

Keep in contact with your language department contact at Imperial College. Let them know your address and e-mail as soon as you have settled in.