Female Imperial student

Would you like to share your experience with a current Imperial student? As an Imperial College graduate with experience of employment, you are in a unique position to offer advice to current Imperial College students who are interested in a career in your chosen profession.

The Ask an Alumnus database has been created to provide the opportunity for current Imperial College students to engage with Imperial alum in order to find out more about what it is like to work in the wide range of career and industry sectors that our graduates progress to.

To register your details please complete our online registration form.


How and why

Why get involved?

As an alum supporting a current student you will gain professional and personal development, as well as raising the profile of your company/profession within Imperial College.

Our students really value the service, this is shown by the feedback we receive:

The Ask an Alumnus service is great! The alumnus you put me into contact with answered all my questions and cleared up some things I wasn't sure about (how selection process for internships work). I have exchanged two emails with her."

Physics Undergraduate

The alum was very patient and helpful in giving me advice for job hunting. I hope in the future there are more opportunities to talk to people like him."

Business School Postgraduate

The service is invaluable because it allowed me to get an insider look into a firm I am thinking of applying to. The way it is being run is also really good because the response I got was prompt and detailed, the alumnus gave me insight into the type of roles available and options available for development in the firm."

Chemical Engineering Undergraduate



How does it work?

On completion of the registration form, your anonymised profile will be added to our online database accessible only by Imperial students and graduates via a restricted login area on our website. Your contact details will not be available to students – they will be held on a separate database only accessible to Imperial College Careers Service staff.

The Ask an Alum team will review any requests from students to be put in touch with you, and their query will be emailed to you, copying in the student email address and original request. The alumnus will then respond the student via email to answer the student’s enquiry. Following the initial communication, you may wish to develop the contact where appropriate. We will limit the number of requests sent to each alum over the academic year.

You will also see on the registration form that we have included the option to answer four additional questions in order to create a Professional Biography. This will supplement the student enquiries and hopefully encourage a wider breadth of questions being sent through as part of the Ask an Alumnus scheme. Please note this is optional and you can continue to engage on the scheme without having a Professional Biography.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Ask an Alumnus team on askalum@imperial.ac.uk.

Terms and Conditions

  • The information stored in the ‘Ask an Alumnus’ database will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. The purpose of the database is to provide the email contact details of those Imperial College alumni willing to provide advice to current Imperial College students
  • Your contact information will be held securely by the Careers Service at Imperial College London and you will only be contacted by a Careers Service staff member with a student enquiry and contact details following a direct request from the student
  • We will aim to limit the number of enquiries you receive each year to 5 unless you specifically request to increase this number
  • The primary purpose of this scheme is to provide information and advice to students, rather than a recruitment tool or for sponsorship purposes.
  • The Careers Service may also contact you about other events and initiatives run by the Careers Service
  • If you feel a student is misusing your contact information, please contact the Placement and Internship Unit
  • We reserve the right to remove a contact from the database, for any perceived or actual improper use, at any time
  • Your information will be held in accordance with the College’s Data Protection Policy and the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998