You said ... We did
How did we do?
If you would like to make a comment about the Careers Service, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear from you about our appointments, events and any of our other services that we provide. Let us know whether you received some great advice, feel supported or what you would change to improve your experience.
How we respond to your comments
We received more than 1000 responses to the 2021 Careers Service Survey! Thanks to all your invaluable feedback we have been able to make significant changes to improve the services that we offer and will continue to make updates throughout the year.
The information below represents an analysis of recent feedback taken from students and alumni on our services, and the action we have taken as a result.
‘I enjoyed the Careers Fairs however I would like the option to speak to employers individually.’
We have updated our Careers Fair platform to allow students to have the option of booking one to one appointments as well as group chats with recruiters. This provides an excellent chance to network and find out more about the opportunities that are right for you.
‘You have a lot of events, but I don’t always hear about them.’
The Careers Service will be evaluating our marketing approach over the coming months to ensure all students and graduates are informed of our events and the services we provide.
Sign up to our social media channels, subscribe to the Careers Service newsletter and look out for our emails for more information on events, opportunities and how to get involved in competitions.
‘The services you offer are great but as a postgraduate student I only have a limited amount of time at the College and want to make the most of my experience.’
This year we will be implementing pre-entry course access to provide incoming postgraduates with the necessary information, resources and support, all before starting their degree.
‘I'm uncertain about my career plans due to the pandemic, and want to learn more about finding opportunities and how COVID-19 is affecting the market.’
To help you with your post-pandemic career planning we have created some helpful resources along with a recording of our recent How is COVID-19 affecting the job market? session. These sessions are designed to help guide you through the challenging job hunt and explore the different ways to make the most of summer 2021.