Applying our expertise to meet your needs
With access to nearly 4,000 expert researchers and academics plus Imperial College London’s state of the art facilities, Imperial Consultants (ICON) have helped organisations, large and small, find solutions to their business needs for 30 years.
COP26 – Meet your #NetZero goals
Pollution | Decarbonisation | Electric Vehicles | Energy & Storage
The focus of COP26 was to secure global #netzero emissions by mid-century and keep warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius within reach. The experts at Imperial College London are here to help industry and society reach their ‘net zero goals’ – be that reducing emissions, decarbonising your business, reducing air pollution and waste, or via green finance. They can provide advice and modelling, specialist skills, training and workshops, testing and analysis at our state of the art facilities, and much more.
Established, experienced, efficient.
Over the last ten years, our professional team have successfully matched the cutting edge expertise of Imperial’s academics to the needs of more than 2000 clients, from 60+ countries on 3400+ projects.
Consulting services
These include advisory services, use of specialist facilities, expert witness, expert insight, bespoke training, testing and analysis… and more.
Find your expert
Our consultants are world class researchers from Imperial College London, committed to achieving enduring excellence in their respective fields.
Clients and case studies
Our clients range from UK based SMEs to global corporations – from industry, academia, government, charities, hospitals and medical organisations.