A number of external organisations offer guidance, training and support on Research Data Management. This page contains some resources that might be particularly useful to you.

At the bottom of the page you will find direct links to external support providers, so feel free to check out their webpages and look for new and interesting tools and resources.

Resarch data management resources

RDM guidance and resources

Data Licensing Blog – a blog curated by the Datasets Licensing Project. They have produced and made available a number of guides which cover data ownership rights, reusing data and selecting an appropriate license. 

DataONE Education Modules  – a set of training materials aimed at those working in the area of environmental science. 

Data Tree – a set of training materials produced by NERC aimed at those working in the fields of environmental and natural sciences. 

Digital Curation Centre Training - the DCC provides training sessions for both researchers and research support staff. 

Foster Open Science Training - a collection of short training modules that introduce you to some of the components of Open Science including managing and sharing research data, text and data mining, open licensing and open access publishing. A free account must be created to access the materials. 

How to Appraise and Select Research Data for Curation (DCC) - a guide to help develop a managed approach to appraising and selecting datasets for curation. 

How to Develop a DMP (DCC) - a detailed guide outlining the process of developing a data management and sharing plan. 

JISC Research Data Management Toolkit – a set of resources curated by JISC that aim to support researchers, research support and ICT staff with research data management. 

Managing and Sharing Data: best practice for researchers - a guide to various aspects of research data management developed by the DCC. A suite of flexible training resources has been developed to compliment this popular resource and include introductory PowerPoint presentations, exercises, quizzes and answers. 

Preparing Data for Deposit - a useful resource prepared and shared by the UK Data Archive. The resource is based on four case studies and provides real life examples on how to prepare your data for deposition. Case studies were chosen to provide guidance on dealing with different types of data, including sensitive data. 

Re3Data – a searchable directory of subject repositories that can be browsed to find research data or to identify a suitable subject repository for depositing your data. 

Research Data MANTRA - provides guidance for good practice in research data management. Aimed at postgraduate students and early career researchers, many of the issues covered apply equally to all research disciplines. 

Sherpa/Juliet - a database of research funders’ open access policies regarding research data. 

Research Data Bootcamp – this is a tutorial designed to introduce you to the concept of research data, what constitutes research data, and how it differs from other types of information. It will also help you to recognise the importance of good practice in managing research data in general and to apply it to your own research. 

UK Data Archive – they provide a range of training events for social science researchers on research data management.



Bad Backups, A Cautionary Tale – a short video detailing how Toy Story 2 was almost lost due to bad backups and bad backup practice. 

Bad Research Data Management – a data management horror story. This short video shows what shouldn't happen when a researcher makes a data sharing request! 

Naming Files – a short video that guides users on file-naming conventions and version control, particularly useful for software developers.


Support providers

Digital Curation Centre (DCC) - the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) is a world-leading centre of expertise in digital information curation with a focus on building capacity, capability and skills for research data management across the UK's higher education research community.

The Digital Curation Centre provides expert advice and practical help to anyone in UK higher education and research wanting to store, manage, protect and share digital research data.

The DCC provides access to a range of resources including our popular How-to Guides, case studies and online services. Our training programmes aim to equip researchers and data custodians with the skills they need to manage and share data effectively.

They also provide consultancy and support with issues such as policy development and data management planning. 

JISC - provide relevant and useful advice, digital content and network and IT services, while we research and develop new technologies and ways of working. 

UK Data Archive acquire, curate and provide access to the UK's largest collection of social and economic data.