
View our COP26 delegation and media contacts

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The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), hosted in Glasgow in November 2021, is the first opportunity since the signing of the Paris Agreement for countries to set out more ambitious plans for tackling climate change.

With the UK government as host, our academic community is mobilising its collective expertise to help drive ambition.

COP Conversations

Join the Planet Pod team, in partnership with the COP26 Universities Network, the University of Strathclyde and the Grantham Institute, for a daily COP26 podcast.

The team will be in Glasgow for this crucial climate summit and will be bringing listeners insights, reflections and observations from the conference, and hearing from a wide range of voices. Guest podcasters include Dr Chris White from the University of Strathclyde and Alyssa Gilbert from the Grantham Institute.

Find out more and listen now

COP26 Universities Network

The Grantham Institute coordinates a group of more than 70 UK universities working together to support ambitious outcomes for climate action at COP26 and beyond. The Network's mission is to ensure that the UK academic sector plays our role in delivering a successful COP26, getting all players on track to deliver a low-carbon, resilient world. We aim to do so by easing access to evidence and academic expertise for COP26 for government, NGOs, and other actors, and by taking action ourselves

Read more about the COP26 Universities Network’s mission, activities and members.

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News and long reads

Imperial voices on climate and environment

Dr Gbemi Oluleye, Imperial College Research Fellow

Dr Gbemi Oluleye, Imperial College Research Fellow, discusses her research on cutting greenhouse gas emissions from industrial sectors.

Dr Gbemi Oluleye

Dr Gbemi Oluleye, Imperial College Research Fellow

Dr Gbemi Oluleye discusses cutting emissions from industrial sectors.

Dr Gbemi Oluleye, Imperial College Research Fellow, discusses her research on cutting greenhouse gas emissions from industrial sectors.

Dr Joeri Rogelj

Dr Joeri Rogelj, Director of Research at Grantham Institute

Dr Joeri Rogelj discusses how his research helps to inform international climate targets.

Dr Joeri Rogelj, Director of Research at the Grantham Institute, discusses how his research helps to inform international climate targets to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

Dr Bonnie Waring

Dr Bonnie Waring, Senior Lecturer at the Grantham Institute

Dr Bonnie Waring discusses the carbon cycle and how far forests can help tackle climate change.

Dr Bonnie Waring, Senior Lecturer at the Grantham Institute, discusses her research on the carbon cycle and how far nature-based solutions like tree planting can be effective in helping to tackle climate change.

Dr Billy Wu

Dr Billy Wu, Senior Lecturer at Imperial

Dr Billy Wu discusses his research on electric cars and batteries.

Dr Billy Wu, Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London, discusses his research on electric cars and batteries, and how developments in this field can help to cut carbon emissions from transport.

Dr Madeleine Morris

Dr Madeleine Morris, Research Associate at the Grantham Inst

Dr Madeleine Morris discusses her research on the policy and regulation of the energy system.

Dr Madeleine Morris, Research Associate at the Grantham Institute, discusses her research on whether the policies, regulations and market structures of today's energy system are fit for purpose for a future energy system that fits into a net-zero world.

Naveed Chaudhry

Naveed Chaudhry, Accelerator Lead at the Grantham Institute

Naveed Chaudhry on the role of entrepreneurs and startups in tackling climate change.

Naveed Chaudhry, Accelerator Lead at the Grantham Institute, discusses the role of entrepreneurs and startups in tackling climate change, and how innovation can help create a cleaner, greener future.

Dr Mirabelle Muûls

Dr Mirabelle Muûls, Assistant Professor of Economics

Dr Mirabelle Muûls discusses her research on the economics of climate change.

Dr Mirabelle Muûls, Assistant Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School, discusses her research on the economics of climate change and the impact of climate change on businesses.

Dr Ana Mijic

Dr Ana Mijic, Senior Lecturer in Water Systems Analysis

Dr Ana Mijic discusses the water cycle, sustainable development and nature-based solutions.

Dr Ana Mijic, Senior Lecturer in Water Systems Analysis and Co-Director of the Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation, discusses her research on the water cycle, sustainable development and nature-based solutions.

Dr Oytun Babacan

Dr Oytun Babacan, Imperial College Research Fellow

Dr Oytun Babacan on low-carbon technologies and how to integrate them into existing infrastrure.

Dr Oytun Babacan, Imperial College Research Fellow at the Grantham Institute, discusses his research on low-carbon energy technologies and how to integrate emerging technologies into existing infrastructure.