
We will enrich the student experience in partnership with Imperial College Union

Creating an environment in which all students feel a sense of belonging and are active participants in a community will enhance the overall student experience and allow students to thrive.

The environment, services and activities which our students encounter will be shaped in partnership with students, placing them at the heart of our academic community and creating a shared responsibility to enhance the overall student experience.

In action

Actions in detail

  • We will strive for all students to have an outstanding experience.
  • We will create an inclusive and diverse community, embracing our differences and creating a sense of belonging, and prioritising wellbeing.
  • We will consider the entire student journey and a holistic student experience.
  • We will celebrate and support staff who champion the student experience.
  • We will continue to enhance the portfolio of activities, opportunities for professional development, and extra-curricular experiences available to our students.
  • We will continue to develop an outstanding student services, streamlined processes and systems which underpin the student journey.
  • We will continue to engage students at all points of their time at Imperial and beyond, so that they feel part of our vibrant global community, and become engaged alumni.

Case study

Student Activities Programme

KendoImperial College Union’s student activities programme provides students with hundreds of opportunities to learn new skills, make friends and broaden their horizons. The programme is an integral part of the student experience at Imperial. With over 80% per cent of students joining one of Imperial’s 360+ clubs and societies, thousands of students take part in activities from Kung Fu to public debating, and Drama Society to orchestra.

Engaging with activities allows students to build capabilities and support networks outside of academia that help them excel through their College journey and beyond. Involvement in activities is documented through Imperial Award, a formal programme for recognising and celebrating the skills that students develop through their involvement in a wide range of volunteering roles inside and outside of the College community. Students reflect on the value of these skills and receive a certificate acknowledging the time they have invested. The recognition of the personal development that comes with participation in activities or leading clubs allows students to recognise and celebrate the links between this development and their employability and future successes.

138 nationalities

138 nationalities: Number of nationalities represented among our undergraduate and postgraduate students in 2019–20

WE Innovate

A finalist of the WE Innovate programme (Imperial’s entrepreneurship programme for female students) showcases her idea to the public


The Outdoor Society visit Snowdonia

Deen City Farm's pond

Imperial students cleaning up Deen City Farm’s pond as part of National Student Volunteering Week