
We will provide professional support, consistent processes and appropriate technology for all of our staff and students

The pursuit of excellence in research and education requires excellence in all that we do.

Everyone in the university, irrespective of discipline, function or activity, has a role to play in helping Imperial to deliver its mission. Excellent research and education must be underpinned by a professional team focused on ensuring that our academics and students have the time, support and resources they need to deliver their very best. Excellence comes not just from ‘what’ we do, but also ‘how’ we do it.

In action

Actions in detail

  • We will promote a positive working environment and culture, where all who show a commitment to excellence are recognised and given respect, whatever their role or field.
  • We will empower staff at all levels to deliver change for the better.
  • We will design and implement consistent processes which minimise time wasted, support academic excellence and encourage collaboration.
  • We will continue to invest in the technology needed to support our mission.
  • We will achieve the highest standards of safety.
  • We will create a positive, kind and values-based workplace which enables a diverse staff group to do their best work and deliver excellence.

Case study


Technician Commitment

TechnicianAttracting, developing and retaining skilled technicians is vital to the work of the sector and to the success of the UK economy as a whole. Faced with a technical skills shortage, the Technician Commitment is a sector-wide initiative that aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for our technical staff.

Imperial was one of 35 founding signatories to the Technician Commitment, which now number more than 80 higher education and research institutes. We are working towards a two-year plan with actions ranging from delivering a programme of Technicians’ Network events to developing a visible technical career pathway. One of our successes has been to introduce a dedicated programme of support for science technicians to gain professional registration. 14 technicians from across the College were awarded RSci or CSci status as part of the pilot and eight more are in the process of making applications. We have been awarded Employer Champion status by the Science Council in recognition of this work. From 2020, we will be extending the programme to support our engineering technicians.


Staff chart

8,600 staff in 2019


Imperial scholarship recipients on Dalby Court

Student Hub

The Student Hub provides comprehensive information about services and support available to Imperial students


Eyetracking and kinematic studies investigate how the brain and its neural circuits are designed to learn and control goal-directed movements

Barista Skills

Catering Supervisor, Flavia Zago, wins gold at The University Caterers Organisation’s (TUCO) Barista Skills competition in 2019.