
We would always love to hear from you, whether you are a colleague from the College, from another academic institution or media company, or whether you are a media practitioner interested in opportunities to work with us.

Please find more information below about how you can get in touch.

How to get in touch with us

External Stakeholders

If you are from another academic institution and looking to share knowledge and ideas, a media practitioner interested in opportunities with our team, or working in Learning Media and XR and like having conversations, we would love to hear from you. 

You can get in touch via our general email address 


Connect with us on linkedin to receive updates about what our team is doing and for opportunities to work with us. 


Members of Imperial College London

The DML will consult and discuss openly with any ICL team or department, but any requests to produce learning media, or use facilities, should go through the relevant EdTech Lab (Faculty / Business School / Interdisciplinary ETL). If you aren't sure who your best contact is in this area, we can help you find the right person to speak to.

If you would like to contact the DML directly with a general enquiry, you can do so on: 
