Professor Maggie Dallman OBE, FRSB, FCGI

Maggie Dallman

Maggie is Imperial College London’s Vice-President (International), Associate-Provost (Academic Partnerships), and Professor of Immunology. In her Vice-President and Associate-Provost roles, Maggie is the academic lead respectively on the College’s International Relations and Societal Engagement Strategy reporting directly to the President and Provost.

Maggie joined Imperial College in 1994 as a lecturer in the Department of Biology, coming from the University of Oxford where she had held a Nuffield Medical Research Foundation Junior Research Fellowship followed by an MRC Senior Research Fellowship. At Imperial College she became Reader in Immunoregulation in 1996 and Professor of Immunology in 1999. Since 2001 Maggie has held a variety of senior positions at Imperial College including Head Section Immunology and Infection, Campus Dean and Deputy Principal for the Faculty of Natural Sciences, becoming Dean of the Faculty in 2008. Maggie was made Associate-Provost (Academic Partnerships) in January 2015, and took up her most recent role as Vice-President (International) in February 2018.

Maggie participates in a broad range of external activities. She is currently a Director and Trustee of the Francis Crick Institute, sits on BBSRC Council and is a Governor of Westminster School, London.

Research Interests: An ability to generate immune responses to invading pathogens is vital to our wellbeing and survival yet over-vigorous or inappropriate responses can lead to debilitating or life threatening conditions such as autoimmunity (e.g. diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis) and allergy. Further, as our understanding of disease develops we find that dysregulated inflammatory responses are associated with conditions as diverse as Alzheimer’s disease and obesity. An understanding of and an ability to control inappropriate immunity and inflammation lie therefore on the path to successful treatment of these varied diseases. Maggie’s own work uses a range of organisms from zebrafish (ZFIN webpage) to humans to study at the molecular, cellular and whole individual level not only the basis for disease but also potential approaches to therapy. View the Dallman Lab website for further information.

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Contact Professor Maggie Dallman 
RoleNameContact details
Vice-President (International) Professor Maggie Dallman

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5406

2.11, Faculty Building, South Kensington Campus 

Executive Assistant to the Vice-President (International)  Holly Clawson

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 3125