The Endowment Board has delegated authority from Council to manage the College’s investments under College Ordinance F1. The Chair of the Endowment Board provides regular updates to Council. Read the Ordinances for the Endowment Board for more information on the Endowment Board's remit.

The Board has majority representation from non-executive members with market experience and expertise consistent with the Endowment’s investments.

The membership of the Board is as follows:

  • Chris Williams (Vice Chairman, Capital Markets & Advisory EMEA, Credit Suisse) (Chairman)
  • Annabel Rudebeck (Head of Non-US Credit, Western Asset Management)
  • Fabrice Varoqui (Partner, Arax Properties)
  • Lisha Patel (Principal - Managing Director, Wellcome Trust)
  • Anastasia Shiach (Executive Director, Goldman Sachs)
  • Alice Gast (President, Imperial College London) (ex oficio)
  • Muir Sanderson (CFO, Imperial College London) (ex oficio)

The Board provides oversight and approves all strategic decisions, including asset allocation. Members of the Endowment Board are assigned responsibility for a portfolio in line with their expertise and are supported by College staff.

Governance structure chart

The unitised scheme is segmented into three different investment types:

  • Marketable assets – the Endowment Board member lead is Annabel Rudebeck, supported by Tony Lawrence (Director of Financial Management)
  • Endowment Property – the Endowment Board member lead is Fabrice Varoqui, supported by John Anderson (Director of Financial Strategy)
  • Private equity funds – The Endowment Board member lead is Lisha Patel, supported by John Anderson (Director of Financial Strategy)

The Endowment Board is overseen by the College Council and is supported by the Endowment Secretariat.