
Terms of reference

The membership and meetings of Senate are outlined in section A8 of the College ordinances.

Download Ordinance A8 - The Senate (July 2015) pdf

Constitution and membership

Membership (2020/21)
Professor Ian Walmsley Provost as Chair
Professor Emma McCoy Interim Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience)
Professor Peter Lindstedt Assistant Provost  (Academic Promotions)
Ms Hannah Bannister Director of Student Services
Professor Nigel Brandon Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
Professor Richard Craster Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
Professor Jonathan Weber Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Professor Francisco Veloso Dean of Imperial College Business School
Dr Lorraine Craig Chair of the Faculty of Engineering Education Committee
Professor Richard Thompson Chair of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Education Committee
Mr Martin Lupton Chair of the Faculty of Medicine Education Committee
Professor Richard Green Chair of the Imperial College Business School Education Committee
Dr Ana Costa-Pereira Chair of the CHERS-CLCC Education Committee
Professor Alan Spivey Assistant Provost (Learning and Teaching)
Professor Xiao Yun Xu  Director of the Graduate School
Professor Laki Buluwela Deputy Director of the Graduate School
Mr Andrew Tebbutt Director of Student Recruitment and Outreach
Professor Peter Openshaw Senior College Consul 
Professor Martyn Kingsbury Director of Centre for Higher Education Research and Scholarship (CHERS)
Professor Peter Haynes Representative Head of Department (Engineering)
Professor Michele Dougherty Representative Head of Department (Natural Sciences)
Professor Edwin Chilvers Representative Head of Department (Medicine)
Professor Andreas Eisingerich Representative Head of Department (Business School)
Mr Abhijay Sood Imperial College Union Representative
Ms Michaela Flegrova Imperial College Union Representative
Mr Zixiao Wang Graduate School Union Representative
Dr Tony Field Elected Member (Engineering)
Dr Kristel Fobelets Elected Member (Engineering)
Dr Kleoniki Gounaris Elected Member (Natural Sciences)
Ms Karen Makuch Elected Member (Natural Sciences)
Dr Sophie Rutschmann Elected Member (Medicine)
Professor Karim Meeran Elected Member (Medicine)
Dr Namrata Malhotra Elected Member (Business School)
Professor Walter Disato Elected Member (Business School)
David Ashton Academic Registrar (Secretary)
Judith Webster Head of Academic Services (Minute Secretary)
Summary of the table's contents

Meeting dates and deadlines

Commitee dates (Academic year 2021/22)Submission deadlines (Academic year 2021/22)
 20 October 2021  06 October 2021
 08 December 2021  24 November 2021
 23 March 2022  09 March 2022
 18 May 2022  4 May 2022
 29 June 2022  15 June 2022
Summary of the table's contents

Agenda items (including papers) should be submitted to the committee secretary two weeks prior to the committee meeting. Papers will normally be circulated to members one week prior to the committee meeting.


Academic Year 2020/21
Academic Year 2019/20
Academic Year 2018/19
Academic Year 2017/18
Academic Year 2016/17
Academic Year 2015/16
Academic Year 2014/15
Academic Year 2013/14
Academic Year 2012/13
Academic Year 2011/12

For minutes prior to academic year 2011/12 please contact the committee secretary


The constitution of Senate provides for eight elected members (two from each of the Faculties of Engineering, Natural Sciences, Medicine and the Business School). One elected member from each Faculty and the Business School is to be non-professorial.

Following elections in summer 2019, the following staff have been elected to serve on Senate until 30 September 2022:

Faculty of Engineering

  • Dr Tony Field
  • Dr Kristel Fobelets

Faculty of Natural Sciences

  • Dr Kleoniki Gounaris
  • Ms Karen Makuch

Faculty of Medicine

  • Dr Sophie Rutschmann
  • Professor Karim Meeran

Imperial College Business School

  • Dr Namrata Malhotra
  • Professor Walter Disato