
Terms of reference

Strategic Responsibilities

  • To provide a forum for deliberation on matters of academic policy and the development of taught education* across the Faculty to enable the achievement of the College Strategy.
  • To consider and advise on developments in the educational portfolio of the Faculty.
  • To assess the implications of proposed new policies and procedures (both internal and external) and contribute to QAEC discussion or directly to external bodies.
  • To advise, implement and monitor new policies and procedures (both internal and external) which affect the activities and/or administration of teaching.

* Includes undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes of study and short course provision. The Committee may consider items related to postgraduate research provision, for example the results of the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey, if there are not other groups or committees in place to do that within the Faculty/Centre.

 Quality and Standards Responsibilities

  • To provide a forum for the discussion of student issues and to monitor the student experience, for example through consideration of the outcomes of student survey results and staff‐student committees, at all points of delivery.
  • To ensure the effective implementation of the College’s Annual Monitoring process by (i) the receipt and consideration of Department’s Annual Monitoring Reports (AMRs) (ii) the preparation of an annual summary report on issues and emerging themes arising from the Committee’s consideration of the AMRs, for submission to the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (QAEC) including for any collaborative programmes (iii) the development and ongoing oversight of an action plan to address issues arising through the annual monitoring process.
  • To identify through the annual monitoring, periodic review and other quality assurance mechanisms, good practice and innovation in learning, teaching and assessment and promote its dissemination across the Faculty and elsewhere in the College.
  • To consider on an annual basis College summaries of external examiner reports and identify and monitor actions arising from the reports at Faculty and College level.
  • To consider reports of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) on undergraduate and postgraduate taught provision and make recommendations for action as appropriate.
  • To recommend to Programmes Committee proposals for and changes to short course provision in accordance with the schedule of delegation.
  • To recommend to Programmes Committee major modifications for existing programmes of study.
  • To recommend to Programmes Committee for approval changes to the threshold and additional entry requirements for existing programmes of study.
  • To have oversight of programme specifications for taught degree programmes and course specifications for short course provision.
  • To have oversight of marking schemes and schemes for award of honours.
  • To oversee departmental arrangements for the consideration of special cases for admission and to have oversight of all special case decisions.
  • To oversee the professional skills development programme for Master’s level students.
  • To approve new student exchange partnerships and the renewal of existing student exchange partnerships and report these to QAEC.
  • Where applicable, receive minutes from the joint management boards for the Faculty’s collaborative programme.
  • To report regularly through summary reports to QAEC.
  • Where appropriate to appoint sub‐committees to carry out the above responsibilities.

 To be quorate a minimum of one third of members need to be present.

The School of Medicine Board and Postgraduate Education Board are sub-committees within the Faculty of Medicine. They have devolved responsibility for undergraduate and postgraduate quality assurance and standards respectively. 

Constitution and membership

  • A senior representative for educational leadership for the Faculty as Chair;
  • A College Consul;
  • At least two student representatives;
  • Additional members to be determined by each Faculty

For meetings including consideration of quality and standards matters:

  • At least one representative from the Registry nominated by the Academic Registrar or Director of Academic Quality and Standards;
  • A representative from the Educational Development Unit;
  • Student representation including the ICU Deputy President Education and GSU President or Deputy President;
  • Additionally the Faculty of Medicine Education Committee should include representation from the LKC Medical School

    Membership (Academic year 2021-22)
    Mr Martin Lupton Vice Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Medicine (Chair)
    Professor Dorian Haskard College Consul
    Professor Amir H Sam Head of the Imperial College School of Medicine
    Dr Sophie Rutschmann Academic Lead for Postgraduate Education
    Professor Laki Buluwela Lead for Doctoral Degrees
    Dr Emma Keeling Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine Representative
    Professor Helen Ward Departmental Education Lead*
    Professor Louise Donnelly Departmental Education Lead*
    Professor Steve Gentleman Departmental Education Lead*
    Professor Mary Morell Director of Phase 1
    Professor Alison McGregor  Director of Phase 2 and Director of Undergraduate Science
    Dr Omid Halse Director of Phase 3
    Professor Ken MacLeod Director of Student Conduct
    Professor Sonia Kumar Director of Undergraduate Primary Care Education
    Mr Jeffery Vernon Principal Teaching Fellow, Chair of Education Transformation Board
    Dr Chris Watkins Faculty Operating Officer
    Mr Richard Viner Faculty Finance Officer
    Ms Vanessa Powell Programme Director (Education)
    Ms Alex Bonczoszek Head of Business and Educational Development
    TBC Head of Programme Management
    Mr James Wild Acting Head of School of Medicine Secretariat & Programme Lead for Learning & Teaching Strategy
    Mr Samuel Hammond ICSMSU President
    Ms Julia Komor ICSMSU Academic Chair
    Mr Daniel Lo ICU Deputy President (Education)
    vacant President (Graduate Students' Union)
    Ms Men-Yeut Wong Registry Representative
    Mrs Nikki Boyd Educational Development Unit Representative
    * Departmental Representatives are expected to send an alternate when they are unable to attend  
    Summary of the table's contents

Meeting dates and deadlines

Committee dates (Academic year 2021/22)Submission deadlines (Academic year 2021/22)
13 September 2021 30 August 2021
20 December 2021 06 December 2021
21 February 2022 07 February 2022
30 May 2022 16 May 2022
Summary of the table's contents

 Agenda items (including papers) should be submitted to the committee secretary two weeks prior to the committee meeting. Papers will normally be circulated to members one week prior to the committee meeting. 



 Academic year 2020/21
Academic year 2019/20
Academic year 2018/19

Academic year 2017/18
Academic year 2016/17
Academic year 2015/16

*Minutes to be approved at the next meeting.