E-commerce as share of total retail sales worldwide 2015-2025
Retail e-commerce
Online shopping is one of the most popular online activities worldwide with global e-retail sales reaching 4.2 trillion U.S. dollars in 2020. With digital development exploding in the Asia Pacific region, it is no surprise that the fastest growing online retail market is India, followed by Spain and China. Digital retail development in these countries is strongly connected to the constantly improving online access, especially in mobile-first online communities that have long struggled with the traditional fixed broadband connections due to financial or infrastructure restrictions but enjoy the advantages of cheap mobile broadband connections.The average order value of online shopping orders via smartphone and tablet devices still lags behind traditional online orders via desktop but global e-retailers have been catching up on mobile e-commerce sales. Mobile shopping via smartphone is particularly popular in Asia. As of the third quarter of 2018, Indonesia was the leading digital market based on the share of population who had bought something via phone in the past month with over three quarters of the population having done so. China, Thailand, South Korea, and Vietnam completed the top of the ranking.