Researchfish FAQs for PIs

The following guidance has been developed for academic staff to manage their Researchfish account and the submission process

Researchfish FAQs for PIs

1) Creating a Researchfish account

Researchfish users must receive an invitation in order to create an account. If you cannot find the original invitation email, a new invitation can be requested by following the steps in Invitation Help in the Help and Support section of the Researchfish website.

2) Award not appearing in Researchfish account?

To add an award to a Researchfish account you must receive an invitation email. If you cannot find the invitation email for your award, a new invitation can be requested by visiting Invitation Help in the Help and Support section of the Researchfish website.

3) Multiple Researchfish accounts

Please contact Researchfish directly, providing the usernames of each account so the accounts can be merged. Live Chat is recommended during the Submission Period.

4) Submitting a Researchfish return

Once all outcomes have been added to your award(s), the submission process must be completed. Each funder requires a separate submission, so you may have to follow the process multiple times.

5) Optimising submissions

Researchfish has published Tips to Optimise your Researchfish Submission. NB Confidential or sensitive information, especially any containing identifiable personal data should not be added. Specific funder guidance can be found at: 

6) Funders use of data

A guidance document on this is available from Researchfish.

7) Adding outcomes to another PI's award

The award PI can add other researchers to the award as ‘Team Members’. Guidance on how to do this is available on the Researchfsh website. Team Members can add outcomes to an award but the final Submission Process can only be completed by the PI themselves.

8) Absence during the submission period

Funders may grant a one year exemption from completing a Researchfish return for PIs who are unable to complete a return. Common reasons for exemptions include: 

  • Parental leave
  • Long term sick leave
  • Fieldwork where no internet access will be available

If this applies to you, please notify your department administrator contact as soon as possible. NB. Exemptions will only be applied if you are unable to complete for the full duration of the submission period

9) Awards with no further outcomes

Funders typically require Researchfish submissions to be completed for up to five submission periods following the end of an award. If there are no new outcomes to report, you must still go through the submission process to avoid incurring sanctions. In some cases, it may be possible to close an award in Researchfish when no further outcomes are expected. Your department administrator will be able to advise if this applies to your award.