Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowships 2020/2021

These 1-year Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowships support  early-career clinical professionals wishing to undertake research to improve the health of people and reduce health inequalities in developed and developing countries. Through the provision of clinical training fellowships in global health, we aim to provide opportunities for clinical academics at the very beginning of their careers to develop bids for independent PhD fellowship funding. The primary aim of the scheme is to remove obstacles to achieving peer-reviewed external grant or fellowship funding, through supporting feasibility or exploratory studies, facilitating networks and providing mentoring support from senior academics.

Whilst funding is available to support any Global Health research within the remit found on the Wellcome Trust science remit website, we welcome fellowships addressing multimorbidity, infectious disease and mental health.We are also keen to receive applications from diverse geographical areas including east and southeast Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.

Imperial College is currently waiting to hear from Wellcome about a new scheme.

Please email to request a copy of the guidelines and application form.

The Application Deadline is: Has now passed

"The fellowship covers salary costs for up to 1 year PLUS up to £12,000 for consumables."

Imperial sponsor mathching

You can identify potential supervisors by searching on the faculties and departments webpage. The Faculty of Medicine also has an A to Z research directory webpage which covers a wide range of disciplines and focus areas. Please visit the A-Z research directory webpage.

If you require assistance in identifying an Imperial sponsor you will need to provide :

  • a max 500-word summary of your interests, including a brief summary of any project details (if applicable) and research experience
  • email with Your Name and GHF Sponsor-matching request as the subject line
  • Sponsor-matching request deadline 23 February 2021

We cannot guarantee that all interested applicants will be matched with an Imperial sponsor. If a potential collaborator is identified, full applications need to be submitted to by noon on 23 March 2021.

Sponsor-matching request deadline

Application Deadline

Shortlist Decided


Decision Expected

23 February 2021

23 March 2021, 12noon

w/c 19 April 2021

early May 2021

21 May 2021


Global Health Clinical Research Training Fellowships 2020/2021 Documents

Please email to request a copy of the guidelines

Please email to request a copy of the application form

Find out more about previous fellowship/award holders on the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund case studies webpage.