The following projects have been supported through the NERC Impact Acceleration Account

Supported Projects 2013-2014
Principal InvestigatorDepartmentProject Title
Dr James Rosindell Life Sciences Development for the ‘OneZoom’ Data Visualisation Engine. To find out more about this project please see the case study
Professor EJ Milner-Gulland Life Sciences User Engagement with the Grand Challenges in Ecosystems and the Environment Initiative
Dr Markus Perkmann Business School A study to understand the drivers and systems that generate impact from NERC funded research
Dr Dominik Weiss Earth Sciences & Engineering Development of a prototype filter for the selective removal of arsenate from contaminated household water supplies. To find out more about this project please see the case study
Dr Rob Ewers Life Sciences Internet radio for crowd-sourced rainforest biodiversity monitoring. To find out more about this project please see the case study
Professor Vincent Savolainen Life Sciences Development of a new houseplant variety: red-stemmed palms for the Asian market
Professor Alfried Vogler Life Sciences Environmental DNA to test for the presence of endangered species. To find out more about this project please see the case study
Professor EJ Milner-Gulland Life Sciences Measuring the outcomes of corporate biodiversity strategies
Professor Steven Schwartz Physics Imperial Space Lab 2014
Dr Simon Buckle Grantham Institute Briefing Paper on “Conservation, Biodiversity and Climate Change”
Summary of the table's contents