Funding Opportunities under the GCRF Umbrella

A number of funding opportunities are available from the GCRF initiative, further details on the available opportunities as well as information and details for managed processes for calls where for example there is an institutional limit.

UKRI Funding

UKRI Is distributing funds through the an UKRI Collective Fund and also through individual Research Councils.

Major opportunities are announced through the UKRI GCRF webpage

Some Research Councils also have their own dedicated GCRF pages:

Collective Programme

The Collective Programme is the central UKRI led series of calls focussing on six strategic areas that UKRI have identified:

  • Cities and Sustainable Infrastructure
  • Education
  • Food Systems
  • Global Health
  • Resilience to Environmental Shocks ad Change
  • Security Protracted Conflict, Refugee Crises and Forced Displacement

For further information on the Collective Programme view the UKRI Collective Programme webpage

Open UKRI Calls

Call NameFunderClosing Date
GCRF Cultures, Behaviours and Histories of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Call 2. For further information view the designated GCRF webpage AHRC 9 January 2020
Summary of the table's contents

Individual Research Councils are also accepting GCRF eligible proposals through their standard funding routes.

Internal Funding Opportunities

The College has been awarded a three year Research England GCRF internal fund, calls will be available each year until July 2021. For further information view the Research England GCRF internal fund webpage

Other Funders

Royal Society

Details of calls can be found on the Royal Society GCRF webpages.


Details on open calls can be found on the RAEng International Programmes webpages.

British Academy

Details on any open calls can be found on the British Academy International Programmes webpage.

Academy of Medical Sciences

Global Challenges Research Fund Networking Grants -  awards provide up to £25,000 to support international networking events aimed at addressing global challenges and promoting interdisciplinary collaborations between researchers in developing countries and researchers in the UK. For further information view the Global Challenges Research Fund Networking Grants webpage