High up window cleaners

Estates Operations are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all buildings, plant and infrastructure that make up Imperial College London

Estates Operations Health and Safety works to ensure the health and safety of all maintenance staff and contractors operating at Imperial College, as well as all those who could be harmed by their operations.

It is a College requirement that each Department has a Code of Practice which sets out the measures and arrangements it has in place to effectively implement College health and safety policy.

What we do:

  • Advise and assist Estates Operations and its teams with planning, organising, controlling and maintaining a safe and healthy environment.
  • Advise and support the implementation of Imperial College London's health and safety policies and procedures.
  • Develop and review specific health and safety codes of practice which aim to define practical standards and procedures that ensure compliance with the Department's legal obligations.
  • Maintain a ‘risk register', ensuring appropriate control measures are implemented and maintained.
  • Ensure suitable arrangements are in place for managers to identify the training / competency requirements of their staff.
  • Review risk assessments / work method statements provided by contractors to ensure they are fit for purpose.
  • Operate a robust accident / incident / dangerous occurrence reporting and investigation system.
  • Together with the Construction Safety Manager, assist and support Building Managers at the planning stage of any refurbishments / projects to ensure the necessary health and safety procedures and
  • Make sure Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations 2015 have been suitably addressed and incorporated within those plans.

Our organisation

Health and Safety Committees

Health and Safety Committees provide an essential communications forum to determine needs and priorities, to consult on and implement new policies, and to address operational problems.

They also provide a means of monitoring and reviewing our health & safety practice and performance.

  • Estates Operations is represented on the Operations Group Health & Safety Management Committee, which meets once a term.
  • The Operations Group Health & Safety Management Committee is responsible for ensuring co-operation and co-ordination of safety practice across all Operations Departments.
  • The Director of Estates Operations is a member of the College Health, Safety & Environment Committee and the College Consultative Committee.
  • This provides essential communication links with the wider College and enables him to influence College policy and priorities.