The learning platform your tech teams need to stay ahead

More than 60% of all Fortune 100 companies trust O’Reilly to help their teams learn the technologies of today—and be ready for what’s next. We can help yours too.

Invest in your teams.

Protect your bottom line.

What’s the cost of unexpected downtime or security breaches? Or not being first to market? How about talent retention? You can either invest in upskilling your tech teams to drive business, or you can cross your fingers and hope. But be aware—the cost of doing nothing can quickly add up.

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Radar Event: Building the Workforce of the Future

O’Reilly Radar

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Join us March 10th as we discuss one of the biggest challenges facing business today—building (and keeping) a skilled workforce in the face of the “Great Resignation.” Meet some of the luminaries helping to define the future of work to discuss our most important asset—people.

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Sharing the knowledge of innovators for over 40 years

From books to leading tech conferences to a groundbreaking online learning platform, we’ve focused on creating the best technical learning content for more than four decades. Your teams can benefit from that experience.

Learning by doing is the best way to grasp new technologies

With interactive learning, teams get hands-on experience with tech like Kubernetes, Python, Docker, Java, and more—in safe live dev environments. So they’re more comfortable putting it to work in real-world situations.

See how it works

Teams don’t get stuck when they have Answers they can trust

Anyone can use a search engine. But can they trust what they find? With Answers, your teams can ask any tech question and instantly get the best answers from O’Reilly’s renowned content. So they find trusted solutions they can put to work immediately.

Start learning smarter

Live training courses keep your organization ahead of what’s next

Your teams have access to nearly 1,000 live online courses and events every year, led by top experts in AI, software architecture, cloud, data, programming, and more. And they can ask questions along the way.

Kai Holnes, ThoughtWorks

Learn from experts

Certified teams are teams you can count on

A certification means you can trust they’ve mastered the skills your organization needs. We help your people prep for their exams with direct paths to the official materials and interactive practice tests.

Help prove their proficiency

See how O’Reilly can help your tech teams stay ahead

Supporting diversity in tech delivers true innovation

We’re working to increase opportunities in technology for people from underrepresented groups by actively recruiting diverse speakers, authors, interactive developers, instructors, and more. Because we’ll all benefit from it.

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DiversityJobs Top Employer 2021