
Policy Statements

HealthyWomen is proud of our advocacy on behalf of women.

Chronic Care Issues

Monthly Policy Roundup

Read our roundup of the latest policy developments and research findings on women's health


Women's Health Policy Issues

Policy decisions affect your health. Here's how.

Your Care

Survey Says: How Women View Health Care and Access to Health Information

Our new survey found praise for podcasts and taking an active role in health care

Created With Support

The ACA guarantees full contraceptive coverage. Why are women getting denied?

Birth control is a right, but insurance companies are defying the law. They must be held accountable.

Access & Affordability

A Healthcare Lens on Honoring Black History Month

Our Senior Policy Advisor Martha Nolan shares her ideas in a new Op-Ed

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The US Doesn’t Have Enough Faculty to Train the Next Generation of Nurses

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