If you are depressed, you feel a sense of helplessness, hopelessness or despair. You lose interest in your favorite activities, may experience changes in appetite, weight and sleep patterns, have difficulty concentrating and may be preoccupied with death or suicide. READ MORE

My Son Didn’t Commit a Crime When He Took His Own Life

Losing Austin forced me to understand that suicide isn’t a choice. Now, I’m on a mission to save others who may be at risk.

Real Women, Real Stories

Can Acupuncture Help?

Acupuncture has become more mainstream over the past decade, but it still seems a bit mysterious. We took a look into this ancient practice.

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You’re Getting Sleepy: What You Need to Know About Hypnosis

Despite a bad reputation, hypnosis isn’t quack science — if you’re open to it

Self-Care & Mental Health

Más allá de lo físico: Cómo la artritis psoriásica puede afectar tu salud mental y sexual

La artritis psoriásica puede afectar mucho más que solo sus articulaciones

Created With Support

Conversación sobre la salud: Preguntas para su proveedor de servicios médicos sobre la artritis psoriásica

Obtenga más información y actúe más rápidamente para tener mejores resultados con la artritis psoriásica

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Grocery Workers Suffer the Mental Health Effects of Customer Hostility and Lack of Safety in Their Workplace

Shoppers have become increasingly rude, to the point that interactions with customers are now often contentious and occasionally violent

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Transgender Children’s Rights Are Under Attack

An explosion of bills threatening health care for trans youth have recently been drafted

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