Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include forgetfulness, difficulty using or remembering words and difficulty concentrating. It is the most common cause of dementia in older people. READ MORE

It’s Long Past Time to Invest in Women’s Health

A new report shows a huge return on investment — and better quality of life — for every dollar spent on women's health research

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Violent Colorado Arrest Puts Spotlight on How Police Treat Disabled People

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Keep Your Brain Healthy at Every Age

It's not just about memory games and puzzles. Diet, exercise and social connections also play a big part in brain health.

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15 Minutes With Dr. Sanjay Gupta

In the first part of our two-part interview, Dr. Sanjay Gupta discusses what it was like to operate on a brain for the first time, his personal connection to brain health and ways to keep your brain healthy

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Qué hacer después de una diagnosis de Alzheimer

Aprenda qué pasos tomar después que Ud. o su ser querido son diagnosticados con Alzheimer

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