Chronic Care Issues

Despite Its Disastrous Effects, Covid-19 Offers Some Gifts to Medicine — an Immunology Expert Explains What It Can Teach Us About Autoimmune Disease

Patients with severe Covid-19 infections have symptoms that are similar to autoimmune disorder symptoms, such as blood vessel inflammation, rashes and organ damage

Your Health

A Healthcare Lens on Honoring Black History Month

Our Senior Policy Advisor Martha Nolan shares her ideas in a new Op-Ed


Social and Emotional Effects of Life With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Living with IBD can affect every aspect of a person’s life, from socializing to self-esteem

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Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (Chronic Yeast Infection)

What happens when you just can’t shake a yeast infection?

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What Is the Best Mask for COVID-19? A Mechanical Engineer Explains the Science After 2 Years of Testing Masks in His Lab

If your cloth mask is comfy and light and feels like you are wearing nothing at all, it probably isn’t doing much to keep you and others safe from the coronavirus

Your Health

Sugar Detox? Cutting Carbs? A Doctor Explains Why You Should Keep Fruit on the Menu

Ripe berries and sugar crystals are both sweet, but one offers much more than just calories

Nutrition & Movement

Ask KHN-PolitiFact: Is My Cloth Mask Good Enough? The 2022 Edition

Wearing a cloth mask is better than not wearing a mask at all, but if you can upgrade — or layer cloth with surgical — now is the time

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Multiple Sclerosis: What to Expect From Diagnosis to Treatment

A MS diagnosis is scary, but with the right treatment, you can live a normal life

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