BuddyPress 10.1.0 is available!


10.1.0 is a maintenance release, please upgrade 🙏


#10-1-0, #maintenance, #release

BP Dev-Chat Summary : February 16, 2022.

10.1.0 maintenance release

@im4th started the meeting asking if the team has seen something specific relative to the 10.0.0 upgrade. An issue about avatar upload was found there. So far none of us were able to reproduce the issue. @im4th wondered if it could be some users disabling the Backbone base UI in favor of the legacy one. He has tested since this situation and there is a bug preventing the avatar to be successfully uploaded in 10.0.0. It has been fixed by @oztaser into trunk and the 10.0 branch, see #8619.

@vapvarun shared about the issue rtMedia had with the Groups component, it has been fixed by the plugin authors since in plugin version 4.6.10. He also shared an issue about the Privacy page not being included into the registration form when it should. This issue is still under investigation.

Team agreed we need to package a maintenance release. We were planning to do it at the end of last week, but some other issues were reported on Trac so we prefered to delay a bit to include fix for these new issues. As soon as the last one will be fixed (See #8637), we’ll package 10.1.0 (probably later today or tomorrow).

BP Rewrites’ first beta

@im4th published an announcement post on this blog a few days ago. It’s important to prepare the plugin to be hosted on WordPress.org so that testing is made more widely. @oztaser already started to test the plugin and found some issues, fixed most of them. The one issue that is not fixed yet is the one that happens when you activate BP Rewrites before BuddyPress.

@dcavins shared his doubt about his plugins: “My doubt there is I know I’ve written plugins that run on bp_init . It will be interesting to see if they all blow up.”

That’s precisely the goal of the Backcompat mechanism the plugin is including which needs the most testing. @im4th said “The goal is to try to  have a first version with the less bugs as possible to publish it on WordPress.org plugin directory and see how it goes when used more widely. Then wait a few BuddyPress releases like 2 or 3 to be sure it’s ok to merge it into Core”.

4 to 6 months to improve the BuddyPress’ documentation site

No major releases, all energy on docs!


We’re all in favor of spending the energy we put in building a major release into improving the documentation site. And we’ll try to do it by organizing each other wednesdays (when we usually meet to talk about BuddyPress development) a “contributing to docs hour”. From 19:30 UTC to 20:00 UTC, we’ll discussed about potential maintenance releases and from 20:00 UTC to 21:00 UTC everyone is welcome to contribute to BuddyPress documentation.

@vapvarun said we need a direct link fromt this site to the official BuddyPress site, it has been added into the “Official site resources” sidebar widget ✅. He can also contribute with walkthrough videos.

We’re all very eager to start this new type of meetings and we really hope you’ll be a lot to join us.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on March 02 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress.

First Contributing-to-docs-hour

It will happen on March 02 at 20:00 UTC in #BuddyPress

#10-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda February 16, 2022


Our development meeting will happen on February 16 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#10-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

BP Rewrites’ first beta

Hi BuddyPress contributors!

Do you remember when I’ve first introduced you to this feature as a plugin on August 2021? It’s now time we take a new step about it: prepare the plugin to be hosted on the WordPress.org plugin directory to encourage massive testing!

Why do we need massive testing?

If you haven’t read BP Rewrites’ Alpha announcement post, here’s the short version: using the WordPress Rewrite API means setting BuddyPress globals later than it happens today. It requires us to make sure BuddyPress plugins/themes using these globals too early can still get their values putting in place a backward compatibility mechanism. BP Rewrites 1.0.0-beta1 includes such a mechanism and informs the user about the too early call when the WP_DEBUG constant is set to true.

For instance, the following code:

function test_bp_current_component() {
    printf( '<p>The current component is: <strong>%s</strong></p>', bp_current_component() );
add_action( 'bp_init', 'test_bp_current_component' );

Would generate the following notice before returning the BP global’s value:

There’s no secret: the only way to have enough confidence into this backward compatibility mechanism to start thinking of merging BP Rewrites into BuddyPress Core is to test, test and test again. The more we are to test, the more specific WP/BP configurations we test and the best we update/improve the backward compatibility mechanism so that end users won’t suffer from the Legacy URL Parser to WP Rewrite URL parser switch: anticipating is less painful than healing!

Is testing the BP Rewrites feature as a plugin safe for users?

I think so 😅. Let’s explain what happens when you activate and deactivate the BP Rewrites plugin.

Once activated, The plugin is editing the post type of the existing BuddyPress pages in favor of the buddypress post type. That’s why you don’t see the BuddyPress pages anymore (as long as the BP Rewrites plugin is active) into the corresponding WordPress Administation edit screen. The BuddyPress Pages settings screen is replaced by a BuddyPress URLs settings screen. This last screen is where you define custom slugs which will be saved as a post meta of the corresponding BuddyPress post type/page item. Then the BP Rewrites plugin is taking benefit from BuddyPress hooks/APIs to change BP Core’s behavior.

When you deactivate the plugin, buddypress post type’s items are switched back to regular pages and you get them back into the corresponding WordPress Administation edit screen. Post metas are still there in case you want to activate BP Rewrites back (this can happen when you’re testing another BuddyPress plugin). If you absolutely want to get rid of these post metas, you can delete the BuddyPress pages, create new ones and redo the page mapping from the BuddyPress Pages settings screen.

What are the benefits of using the WP Rewrite API to parse BuddyPress URLs?

From a developer’s point of view

As @boonebgorges wrote into this ticket first lines:

BP’s custom URI parser (living mostly in bp_core_set_uri_globals()) is slow, error-prone, non-extensible, non-testable, and out of step with WP best practices.

Boone B. Gorges, 9 years ago 😱

As a result, using the WP Rewrite API should be faster, more reliable, extensible, testable and fully compliant with WP best practices 😉.

From a end user’s point of view

This would bring plain URLs compatibility. If you want to use BuddyPress today: using pretty permalinks is required. With BP Rewrites, this is no more the case, you can use BuddyPress with any type of permalinks.

Plain URL permalinks can be used when BP Rewrites is active!

For end users using pretty permalinks, they have full control of any BuddyPress URLs! Today regular users can only change the directory permalinks from the WordPress page editor and advanced users can use some specific constants to customize some other URLs. With BP Rewrites, you can customize ALL BuddyPress URLs including the Group creation steps. They can do it so that it’s more meaningful for their local members and I’ve heard doing so was best for SEO 😁. For instance a french user like me understands better this BP Rewrites generated URL:


than the current BuddyPress one:


The BuddyPress URLs settings screen

This the place where you control all BuddyPress URLs. All can be a lot! In the above screenshot we only have the Activity and Members component active. Since BP Rewrites’ alpha version we’ve improved this screen to use the “site-health” screen accordion UI.

The “Directory” panels are a bit specific compared to others. In this panels you can also customize the directory titles. This was needed because we are not using the WordPress Page Editor when BP Rewrites is active to edit directory permalink or title.

Let’s say I want the URL to reach the User’s Profile Image change screen to be site.url/membres/username/profil/modifier-avatar/ instead of site.url/members/imath/profile/change-avatar/. I first need to make sure the Members Directory slug is set to membres.

Components like Members or Groups can have “single item” screens or member and group screens. For the Members component, you’ll first be able to customize the main (or primary) screens using the “Single Member primary views slugs” panel.

To carry on the example we started about customizing the User’s Profile Image change screen URL: in this panel, I’ll be able to change the profile part for profil.

For each subnav (or secondary) items components add to their main (or primary), you’ll be able to customize their slugs using the corresponding “Single Member component_name secondary views slugs” panel.

To finish my example about customizing the User’s Profile Image change screen URL: in the “Single Member Profile secondary views slugs” panel, I can edit change-avatar in favor of modifier-avatar and click on the “Save Settings” blue button to validate these changes. And here’s what happens when I reach site.url/membres/username/profil/modifier-avatar/:

It succesfully loads the Change Avatar screen 😅.

If you activated Groups, you can customize the Creation step views, the views every Member of a group can reach and the Group Admins specific views from the corresponding panels of the User Groups accordion section.

Let’s contribute to BuddyPress’ next way of parsing URLs: test BP Rewrites 1.0.0-beta1

Please note BP Rewrites requires BuddyPress 10.0.0. Make sure to download the bp-rewrites.zip file from the Plugin’s GitHub repository release page. Use the “Add new” WordPress Administration Plugin screen to upload the zip file. Finally check BuddyPress is activated before activating BP Rewrites.

Happy testing 🏈 🐏 🐅

#10-0-0, #feature-as-a-plugin, #rewrites

BP Dev-Chat Summary : February 2, 2022.

Unfortunately, not many of us could join the meeting. Points about 10.0 first feedbacks, 10.1.0 release schedule and the documentation effort were not really discussed.


@im4th shared his concern about the regression we introduced about the custom xProfile field options sort order, it’s now fixed. See #8623.

10.1.0 schedule

  • 10.1.0 stable: TBD 🎯

Documentation improvements

@im4th simply shared this message: “if you’re interested in contributing to the BuddyPress documentation, don’t hesitate to ping me. We’d like to improve the BP codex and we’ll need help

Open floor

@rekmla shared feedbacks about the 10.0.0 Site Membership request feature.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on February 16 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. The agenda will be the same as it was for this chat 😉

#10-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Agenda February 2, 2022


Note : we haven’t published a dev-chat summary for January 19 meeting, as we mainly worked on fixing some last minute issues to prepare the 10.0.0 stable version (which was released on January 20 around 18:40 UTC).

Our development meeting will happen on February 2 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • 10.0.0 feedbacks & results
  • 10.1.0 release schedule
  • Organizing our next 4 to 6 months documentation effort

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#10-0-0, #agenda, #buddypress, #dev-chat, #documentation

BuddyPress 10.0.0 is there!

I’m proud to introduce you to BuddyPress “La Pino’z” the tenth of our major releases history and the 1st of this year.

Many thanks to our 39 contributors who made this possible. Great work!

#10-0-0, #release

BP Dev-Chat Agenda January 19, 2022


!important: BuddyPress 10.0.0 won’t be released today, we first need to fix this « last minute » issue. We’ll decide about the new release date during this meeting.

Our development meeting will happen on January 19 at 19:30 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda:

  • #8617: find the best strategy to allow disabling avatar history
  • 10.0.0 stable release last tasks.

If you have specific/additional points you need to discuss about, please share them into the comments area of this post.


#10-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat

Legacy Widgets in BuddyPress 10.0.0

BuddyPress 9.0.0 main focus was to build a new BP Block Widget for each existing BP Legacy Widget. Starting in 10.0.0, BuddyPress is no more loading Legacy Widgets by default. It only keeps on loading them if:

  • Your WordPress version is < 5.8.
  • Your active theme doesn’t support Block Wigdets.
  • You activated the Classic Widgets plugin.
  • You decided to opt-out the new Block Widget Editor using the use_widgets_block_editor filter.

If your WordPress version is >= 5.8 and your active theme supports Block Widgets and you haven’t opted-out the Block Widget Editor using the Classic Widgets plugin or the filter but still want BuddyPress to load its Legacy Widget, you can do so using this filter:

// This filter makes sure BP Legacy Widgets will be loaded.
add_filter( 'bp_core_retain_legacy_widgets', '__return_true' );

#10-0-0, #widgets

BP Dev-Chat Summary : January 5, 2022.

Some complementary explanations about the 9.2.0 release

@im4th started the meeting saying some words about this minor version which was released on January 3rd. The download spike (~39K downloads) was reached on January 4th. He apologized about the fact he took the decision quite in a rush without discussing about it during a dev-chat. He explained he wanted to have the BP Search Block released in the WordPress.org directory the soonest so that he could focus on the BP Rewrites feature as a plugin for the coming 15 days. 9.2.0 is including a change needed by the BP Search Block (activity search redirection support).

About BP Rewrites, @johnjamesjacoby wants to dive deeper into the plugin. @im4th said it was ok to delay its release after BuddyPress 10.0.0, if needed, as it’s a BP plugin. He also shared his opinion about a BP Core potential merge.

I believe it needs to stay an add-on for at least 2 major BuddyPress releases, there are too many plugins we need to make sure they still behave right before thinking about merging it into BP Core.


Finishing the 10.0.0 Hello BuddyPress screen

If you’ve started testing the RC1 release (if not, do it now!), you already saw it has been finished (See #8605). During the chat, we’ve decided about the 10.0.0 features we want to highlight into this screen:

We also decided to release RC1 as soon as we could (it happened 2 days later) as we already postponed twice our schedule.

Last 10.0.0 schedule

  • 10.0.0-RC: January 7, 2022 🏁 ✅
  • 10.0.0 stable: January 17, 2022 🎯

Open floor

@dcavins has been using the 10.0.0-beta2 release on some decent traffic sites and it seems to be working well 💪 😎

@vapvarun brought up to our attention this support forum topic. Our discussion about it lead to an important decision for our next major release : if ! is_buddypress() no more BP Template Pack CSS/JS. @imath also wishes we use a more modular approach for our JavaScript assets as well as less/no dependency to jQuery.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on January 19 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. We should be able to check the first feedbacks about 10.0.0 😉

#10-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary