Obesity is a complex disorder. It is caused by multiple factors, both environmental and inherited, including excessive calorie and food intake, decreased physical activity and genetic influences. READ MORE

New Insights From Biology Can Help Overcome Siloed Thinking in Cancer Clinical Trials and Treatment

Metabolic conditions like obesity and diabetes can influence how cancer develops and responds to treatment

Your Health

How the Pandemic’s Unequal Toll on People of Color Underlines US Health Inequities – and Why Solving Them Is so Critical

Racial and ethnic minorities have borne significantly higher risks of Covid-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths than white people

Your Health

Sugar Detox? Cutting Carbs? A Doctor Explains Why You Should Keep Fruit on the Menu

Ripe berries and sugar crystals are both sweet, but one offers much more than just calories

Nutrition & Movement

Want Fries — or Feelings — With That?

The road from obesity to a healthy weight isn’t all about the diet. Gabrielle Blawas found she was eating her feelings in her secretive fast-food binges.

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Does Your Health Insurance Cover Treatment for Obesity?

Obesity is a disease but not all treatments are covered

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Sugar High

An addiction to sugar can lead to serious health problems. Here’s how to break the cycle.

Nutrition & Movement

I Fought Generational Obesity by Creating My Own Road Map to a Healthier, Happier Life

After being bullied by doctors my entire life, I finally got the courage to advocate for my health

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Obesity and Other Health Conditions

Having obesity can put you at risk for developing other serious health conditions

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