Prevention & Screenings

The ACA guarantees full contraceptive coverage. Why are women getting denied?

Birth control is a right, but insurance companies are defying the law. They must be held accountable.

Access & Affordability

A Preventive Double Mastectomy Helped Me Fight Breast Cancer Before It Could Attack

Breast cancer runs in my family. I’m fighting back with education and aggressive risk management.

Real Women, Real Stories

Heading Into the Third Year of the Pandemic, the US Blood Supply Is at a 10-Year Low

In January 2022, the American Red Cross declared its first-ever national blood crisis

Your Health

15 Minutes With Dr. Leana Wen

The accomplished doctor weighs in on the possible future of the pandemic and the importance of public health

Your Care

Signs and Symptoms of a Heart Attack and Stroke

Heart attacks and strokes are not the same. Knowing the signs and symptoms of each could save your life.

Conditions & Treatments

Why Taking Fever-Reducing Meds and Drinking Fluids May Not Be the Best Way to Treat Flu and Fever

Increased fluid intake and taking fever reducers may not always help in your recovery. In fact, in some cases, it could be harmful.

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My Daughter Jamie Lost Her Legs and Fingers in a Ferocious Battle Against Meningitis

We were lucky: Far too many teens lose their lives when they contract the disease. The good news? Vaccinations can help protect against meningitis.

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What Is the Best Mask for COVID-19? A Mechanical Engineer Explains the Science After 2 Years of Testing Masks in His Lab

If your cloth mask is comfy and light and feels like you are wearing nothing at all, it probably isn’t doing much to keep you and others safe from the coronavirus

Your Health