Real Women, Real Stories

A Preventive Double Mastectomy Helped Me Fight Breast Cancer Before It Could Attack

Breast cancer runs in my family. I’m fighting back with education and aggressive risk management.

Real Women, Real Stories

How Becoming My Husband’s Caregiver in My 30s Changed My Life

We used to have big plans — now we focus on just getting through each day

Real Women, Real Stories

Bystander CPR Saved My Husband’s Life

A stranger’s actions helped my husband beat the odds and survive sudden cardiac arrest

Real Women, Real Stories

My Daughter Jamie Lost Her Legs and Fingers in a Ferocious Battle Against Meningitis

We were lucky: Far too many teens lose their lives when they contract the disease. The good news? Vaccinations can help protect against meningitis.

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My Son Didn’t Commit a Crime When He Took His Own Life

Losing Austin forced me to understand that suicide isn’t a choice. Now, I’m on a mission to save others who may be at risk.

Real Women, Real Stories

I Was Stalked for 2 Decades Before It Was a Crime

My experience helped pass the first anti-stalking laws in the United States

Real Women, Real Stories

Love Conquers All: My Journey as the Mother of a Transgender Daughter

My daughter came out as transgender at the age of 14. Since then, our entire family transitioned alongside her — and we’re now closer than ever.

Real Women, Real Stories
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Real Women, Real Stories