Submit a video


WordCamp videos: the audio is clear and easy to understand, the camera was on a tripod, the video shows the speaker and slides, divide the video by presentation if possible.

Screencasts: keep it concise, keep it clear, keep on track (no chock-full of personal promotion please), keep it current.

Vodcasts and other video-based content: if you have put together a video podcast or other WordPress focused, relevant video - let us know about it.

If this is the first time you're submitting a video, please check all Submission Guidelines.

Accepted formats

Maximum upload file size: 1GB. You can upload the following video formats:

  • avi
  • mov/qt
  • mpeg/mpg
  • mp4
  • ogv
  • wmv
  • 3gp/3g2

Please review the guidelines listed on the right, then submit your video below: