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BuddyPress 10.0.0 “La Pino’z”

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  • Tom


    Not sure about anyone else but this gave my server an internal 500 error after updating and my VPS CPUs are always at 100% when anything buddypress is loaded, the website calms down after a few mins and if I load anything from buddypress the CPU skyrockets again into a grinding hault!

    There must be some dodgy SQL statements or something happening.



    Many congratulations! Thanks so much for working hard on this update!



    Hi there,
    After the update, cant upload profile pictures. No errors, just a red error div without the message.
    Cover picture can upload without any issue.



    Hi there,
    No more login widget after upgrade, had to roll back to previous version.

    Mathieu Viet


    Hi @pierremaitre

    Even if you haven’t disabled the new Widget block editor or are not using the Classic Widget plugin, you can keep BP Legacy widgets using a specific filter, I advise you to read this developer note:



    After the update, on my members search page it now shows ‘active members’ and ‘friends’ as tabs above the members list rather than ‘all members’ and ‘friends’. The active member count only adds up to the amount of members displayed on the page, rather than all active members. Is there any way to change this back, as it now makes it look like there are not many active members which isn’t great for new people signing up and site credibility.

    Hi @reefcreature

    By default BuddyPress is only showing “Active Members” into the Members directory, that’s why we made the change, if you want to see “All Members”, you need to select the “Alphabetical” option of the filter dropdown list (NB: this option is only available if the xProfile component is active).

    “Active Members” are members who actually logged in once. “All Members” are any members including the ones who never logged in.

    Could you be more specific about what you call “members search page”? Is this a specific page you built? or is the it the regular Members directory ?



    Hi Mathieu, I don’t know if anyone has reported this but the Media Tab associated with rtMedia disappears from the Groups page with version 10. I have tested this on several themes and the issue persists. Rolled back to 9.2 and it reappears as normal. Hope you can check this out thanks!




    fresh wordpress installation 5.4.9 (the last one as in the Buddypress requirements) with only Buddypress 10.0 plugin activated on tweny nineteen theme.

    Not working on 5.9 and twenty twenty theme too.

    Both cases it is not possible to add personal photo as subscriber role nor author role.

    Have you found a solution?

    Many Thanks,

    Giuseppe from Rome


    thanks a lot 😍

    if you have more inputs about it, like ways to reproduce, please share them with us. I can’t reproduce the issue.

    sorry to read about it, I’ll give it a look asap.

    just tested on 5.9 with the Twenty Twenty theme being a subscriber and I wasn’t able to reproduce, everything seems to be ok to me.



    Thanks Mathieu. I also contacted rtMedia in case it was on there side and they replicated the issue and have prepared a fix which should be in a forthcoming release!



    Other than the rtMedia issue I am having no other problems. Thanks to all contributors! Good work.

    Mike Witt


    I realize that 10.0.0 does not claim to be compatible with WP 5.9, so this is just an FYI I guess …

    I haven’t been able to update to 10.0.0 on WP 5.9 running on AWS lightsail. I get “Update failed: The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.”

    Lightsail’s permission structure is different than (for example) siteground and bluehost, but I don’t *see* any permission problems and other plugins are updating OK (and BP has never failed in the past).

    Anything specific I could look for?



    I am having the same issue as pasindups. This is happening on both sites I own. The issue appeared after the 10.0.0 release.

    I originally thoughts it was a plugin issue (Youzify) but after disabling all plugins, issue still persist on BuddyPress front and backend.

    Hi @moviefloss & @pasindups

    Uploading/cropping avatars works fine with me.

    Can you try help me to reproduce the issue so that I can fix it?

    1. Before uploading the picture, open the browser’s inspector and activate the network tab, the one which logs pages load, Ajax requests…
    2. Upload the picture, according to what you described, you should see an error logged into this tab, double click on the line of this error and make a screenshot of the request result.
    3. Repeat the operation activating the console tab of the browser’s inspector, but this time you might see JavaScript errors logged, I also need a screenshot if that’s the case 🙂

    Tell me more about the picture you’re trying to upload: file extension, size in pixels.
    Tell me more about the browser you are using: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer 😬, another one ?
    Tell me more about the active theme?
    Tell me more about your WordPress configuration (regular, multisite) if Multisite how BuddyPress is activated (Network, on the main site of the network, on a subsite, other)?
    If you are using some specific BuddyPress constants into your wp-config.php file which ones?

    Thanks in advance for your inputs 😉

    Awesome @windhillruss thanks a lot for your update 👍



    Hi, rtMedia just released 4.6.10 which fixes the disappearing MediaTab in Groups and now claims compatibility with BP 10

    Mike Witt


    Just for the record, I finally did find where my Lightsail permission problem was and I was able to update.



    @imath where would you like me to post the screenshots, here?



    Hi @imath

    Sorry for slow reply. Yes, just the regular members directory….and active member count is only the total displayed on the page, rather than all members or even all active members. When the page loads you can see it very briefly display ‘all members’ before replacing it with ‘active members’.

    What is the ‘xprofile component’?

    Thanks for you help!

    @moviefloss & @pasindups

    I think I understood your issue:

    if you are you using the BP Default Theme or a theme based on it, or if you disabled the Avatar UI we introduced in version 2.3, I was able to find an issue with this very old way to set an avatar: you have a form with a simple button to upload your image and cropping happens after a page load.

    Meaning, you don’t have a tabbed interface to upload/recycle/delete your avatar like shown below:

    Avatar UI

    If so, it will be fixed in the 10.1.0 minor release we’ll soon make available. Probably this coming monday or tuesday.

    If not I’d like to see the screenshot: to share an image here, just use any free image hosting service, and paste the link here, yes.


    Ok, thanks for confirming it was the members directory.

    As I’ve already written in my previous reply, we made this change because, the “All Members” text was wrong when the select box to filter members is set to “Last active” which is the default way of filtering the members directory. When this filter is selected, you only have the users who logged at least once on your website. The amount is calculated according to this.

    Active Members

    Into this select box, you have other options, like the “Alphabetical” one when the Extended Profiles component is active. As soon as you filter the directory using this option, you’ll see the All Members text back with the real amount of members of your site.

    All members



    @imath that sounds about right. I do not see that interface on my end.
    image 1
    issue 2
    issue 3



    @imath sounds about right, I do not see that interface on my end

    Thanks for your screenshots @moviefloss, I don’t think that’s your issue unfortunately.

    Can you add a bp-custom.php file into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your site and add this code into it:

    add_filter( 'bp_disable_avatar_history', '__return_true' );

    And try to upload an avatar again?

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