What is Time on Page and Why Is It Important?

You might already understand the importance of optimizing your landing page views and attracting new site visitors. But there’s another website performance metric that you should consider: time on page. 

Analyzing time on page can help you understand whether you’re attracting the right kind of visitors or false leads — people who land on your site only to realize that it’s not what they were looking for. It can also give you valuable insight into how your content is performing. 

In this post, we’ll look closer at the time on page metric to learn how it works. We’ll also explore what information this measurement can reveal about your site’s performance. 

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Severe Vulnerability Fixed In UpdraftPlus 1.22.3

During an internal audit of the UpdraftPlus plugin, we uncovered an arbitrary backup download vulnerability that could allow low-privileged users like subscribers to download a site’s latest backups.

If exploited, the vulnerability could grant attackers access to privileged information from the affected site’s database (e.g., usernames and hashed passwords).

We reported the vulnerability to the plugin’s authors, and they recently released version 1.22.3 to address it. Forced auto-updates have also been pushed due to the severity of this issue. If your site hasn’t already, we strongly recommend that you update to the latest version (1.22.3) and have an established security solution on your site, such as Jetpack Security.

You can find UpdraftPlus’ own advisory here.

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How to Fix “Your Connection is Not Private” on WordPress

There are several errors you could run into while navigating the web, including HTTP error codes, issues with certificates, and connection problems. A lot of times, fixing these errors will require a bit of troubleshooting on your end. The “Your connection is not private” error is no exception.

This error usually (but not always) is due to an issue with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. There are several ways to troubleshoot, depending on whether it originates from your website or your server.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this connection error and discuss its main causes. We’ll then show you how to troubleshoot depending on its cause. 

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How to Fix “This Account Has Been Suspended” on WordPress

When you pay for hosting, there are almost always some caveats. Hosting providers reserve the right to terminate your account under particular circumstances — for example, if your site has malware or content that violates the host’s guidelines. If your account gets flagged, you’ll see a message like “this account has been suspended.”

The positive side is that “suspended” isn’t the same as “terminated.” When an account is suspended, you can usually appeal the decision or fix the problem that caused your web host to take action against you. If your efforts succeed, you’ll regain access and control over your website.

In this article, we’ll talk about the potential causes for hosting account suspensions. We’ll then discuss what to do if you run into the “this account has been suspended” message and how to proceed after you fix things.

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How to Downgrade a WordPress Website to a Previous Version

Most software companies stress the importance of updating, so downgrading can feel quite unnatural. But you might run into circumstances where you need to revert to a previous version of a program or operating system you’re using — WordPress is no different in this regard. 

While WordPress tries to maintain backwards compatibility between versions, you might still encounter changes in a new release that cause issues for your site. In these cases, you may need to downgrade to a previous version so that your website continues to function properly while you troubleshoot any problems or wait for a bug fix to be released. 

In this article, we’ll discuss: 

  • Reasons why you might need to downgrade WordPress
  • How to downgrade WordPress manually and with a plugin
  • How to downgrade themes and plugins manually and with a plugin
  • How to upgrade or downgrade PHP versions

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Jetpack 10.6 – Behind-the-scenes improvements for your site

In this release, we have shipped several under-the-hood improvements for an enhanced Jetpack experience.

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Website Footer Guide: Content, Design, Information, and Examples

A website footer is the section that appears at the bottom of every single page of your site. It typically includes important features like a copyright notice, an email capture, or links to resources.

The footer is a valuable piece of real estate on your site. Why? Because it provides an opportunity to connect with visitors one last time and encourage them to continue to engage with your website. Plus, it’s a seamless way to include required information — like legal disclaimers and privacy policies — on every page.

Unfortunately, footers are often overlooked or thrown together at the last second, leading to lots of missed opportunities and conversions.

So how can you make the most of your website footer?

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How to Restore or Reset Your WordPress Password

Not being able to log into the backend of your WordPress website can be a nerve-racking experience, whether you can’t remember your password or no longer have access to your recovery email address. 

Fortunately, there are different methods that you can use to change, reset, or recover your WordPress password. In this article, we’ll explain the importance of strong password security and the difference between changing and resetting it. Then we’ll share eight methods you can use to restore or reset your WordPress password and offer some additional security tips. Let’s get started!

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Backdoor Found in Themes and Plugins from AccessPress Themes

Update Feb. 1 – Changed the “Affected themes” section to reflect that new versions of the themes are starting to appear.

While investigating a compromised site we discovered some suspicious code in a theme by AccessPress Themes (aka Access Keys), a vendor with a large number of popular themes and plugins. On further investigation, we found that all the themes and most plugins from the vendor contained this suspicious code, but only if downloaded from their own website. The same extensions were fine if downloaded or installed directly from the WordPress.org directory.

Due to the way the extensions were compromised, we suspected an external attacker had breached the website of AccessPress Themes in an attempt to use their extensions to infect further sites.

We contacted the vendor immediately, but at first we did not receive a response. After escalating it to the WordPress.org plugin team, our suspicions were confirmed. AccessPress Themes websites were breached in the first half of September 2021, and the extensions available for download on their site were injected with a backdoor.

Once we had established a channel for communicating with the vendor, we shared our detailed findings with them. They immediately removed the offending extensions from their website.

Most of the plugins have since been updated, and known clean versions are listed towards the bottom of this post. However, the affected themes have not been updated, and are pulled from the WordPress.org theme repository. If you have any of the themes listed towards the bottom of this post installed on your site, we recommend migrating to a new theme as soon as possible.

This disclosure concerns a large number of extensions, both plugins and themes. Skip to the list below, or read on for the details.

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How to Check and Update Your WordPress Site’s PHP Version

PHP is an essential part of any WordPress website. For this reason, you want to make sure it’s running as smoothly as possible. But knowing the best way to navigate this process isn’t always easy.

The good news is that we’re here to help. By understanding the principles behind PHP and the process of updating it, you can maintain this core element of your site.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to PHP and explain why it’s important. Then we’ll show you how to safely check, update, and upgrade your PHP version on three different web hosts. 

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