Archiving Panopto Content
Recordings in Panopto that have not been watched in over 13 months will be automatically archived. This process will not delete any recordings. Archived recordings will not be available for immediate viewing and will no longer appear in the list of recordings in a folder.
Restore Archived Recordings
Archived recordings can be restored by any Panopto user with the link to the recording, or from the search page. Restored recordings will automatically be made available for viewing again within 48 hours.
Creators will also have access to an “Archive” list, similar to the Recycle Bin, where they can review all their archived content and restore it for viewing if they wish.
Attempting to access the recording before the restore has completed will display a countdown to its availability for any user accessing the link. If “Email me when sessions finish processing” is switched on in the requester’s Panopto notification settings, you will receive an email when the recording is ready to view again.
For more info, visit the Panopto help web page on restoring archived content.