Our Scope

Thomas Young Centre members are experts in Materials Modelling.

The expertise within the group covers all relevant length- and time-scales.

The research of the TYC encompasses a wide range of materials and applications that are important and relevant to society, academia and industry. 

Examples of the types of topics that the centre covers include:

  • Energy Materials, including batteries, fuel cells, photovoltaic materials, hydrogen storage, materials fo fission and fusion reactors and biofuels.
  • Environment, including aerospace and transport materials, passive coatings, aerosols, water and aqueous solutions and ice. 
  • Mechanical properties, including fracture, fatigue, plasticity, tribology, delamination, corrosion, grain growth and elasticity.
  • Biomaterials and health materials, including proteins and other biomolecules, cell membranes, bio-inorganic interfaces, pharmaceutical materials and wound healing.
  • Earth and Planetary Materials and extreme conditions, including materials in the Earth's crust, mantle and core, materials in the interior of other planets, defence materials and structure prediction.
  • Catalysis, including adsorption and reaction on surfaces, with particular emphasis on oxieds, microporous and framework materials.
  • Smart and novel materials and devices, including shape-memory alloys, meta-materials, smart coatings, liquid crystals, nanomaterials, ferroelectrics and materials for devices of all kinds.
  • Novel methods, including techniques for large systems, long timescale processes, high accuracy and multi-scale modelling.

See our Research Highlights and Simulations to see the types of things the TYC works on.


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