COVID-19 – updates and guidance

The latest information on Imperial's response to COVID-19

Updated Monday 21 February 2022

Safety measures

Following the government announcement on Monday 21 February, we are currently reviewing our COVID-19 guidance and will have more updates to share in the coming days.

We are still seeing high transmission rates of COVID-19 both in the wider community and amongst Imperial students. We are therefore proceeding cautiously, and continuing to take advice from our experts.  

These safety measures will be kept under regular review as the Government continues to build its strategy for living with COVID. 

Face coverings

We strongly encourage you to wear a face covering in most indoor settings on campus, including during teaching sessions and when moving about in our libraries, unless you are exempt. This measure will reduce the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19, protecting students and staff from becoming sick or needing to self-isolate with the disruption this causes to work and study. 

Wearing a face covering is particularly important in crowded, enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet. 

You may be required to wear a face covering in some areas, in line with local risk assessments. 


We are continuing to require weekly PCR or twice-weekly LFD testing for everyone coming to campus. We will continue to provide PCR testing this term.

COVID vaccination

We are very strongly encouraging vaccination, including boostersVaccination is free for everyone in the UK, including international students. 

We are working with our NHS partners to enable access to vaccinations on or near our campuses. The Science Museum is currently hosting a vaccination centre, located next to Imperial’s Dyson School of Design Engineering.

If you are fully vaccinated and wish to ensure that your work or studies are not interrupted by being asked to self-isolate as a close contact, you will need to complete a short vaccination status form on MyImperial


In-person events can re-start, with a risk assessment in place which may require face coverings. Attendees should be asked to take an LFD test on the day of the event. 

Clinically vulnerable staff 

While Omicron is not dangerous to most people, we know that some people in our community may be more at risk.  

If you have underlying health issues which make you clinically vulnerable or extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 infection, you can ask your manager to explain the measures taken to control risk in your area. Individual risk assessments can be carried out where appropriate. 

Occupational Health accepts referrals from managers for employees who have concerns about their personal medical vulnerability after reviewing the risk assessment. 

Teaching spaces 

Local risk assessments for teaching spaces should be reviewed to determine what changes can be made to capacity. We recommend gradually increasing occupancy and monitoring, rather than making a sudden shift. 

We strongly encourage students and staff to wear face coverings during teaching sessions.  

Office spaces 

The safety measures necessary will vary between different types of space.  

For example, for a small office occupied by the same two people, periodically opening a door and/or a window may be appropriate. For larger open plan offices, depending on the ventilation, keeping spaces between desks may be needed.  

The wearing of face coverings when seated in office areas is not recommended.

Local risk assessments for working spaces should be reviewed to determine what changes can be made to capacity. We recommend gradually increasing occupancy and monitoring, rather than making a sudden shift.