Guidance for applicants

Please download the documents below for further detailed information.

Incoming Electives Guidance Note [download pdf]Incoming Elective guidance for short-term study route of entry [download pdf]

For penultimate or final year undergraduate medical students

The School of Medicine, in conjunction with our partner NHS hospitals, is able to consider applications for clinical attachment elective study periods. Due to high numbers of applications, Clinical Elective placements are restricted to a maximum period of six weeks per student and only one placement per student.

If you have already been offered a placement, or have completed it, you will not normally be permitted to make application for a second placement at a later date.

Visa and English language requirement
For non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals, UK Immigration requirements have changed (January 2018) and you will now need to enter the UK via the Short-term Study route instead of via the Tier 4 visa route. Please see the Incoming Elective Guidance document in the right hand panel of this page for full details. Please note that Imperial College will still require evidence of competency in English. Further details can be found on the undergraduate English language requirement page.

An applicant who is currently a student at a European university or college should note that since our clinical medicine training placements are limited to a maximum of six weeks (and a maximum of one placement period per successful applicant), Imperial College School of Medicine cannot offer clinical training placements within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.

Partner NHS hospitals

Please contact the relevant hospital for further details and application forms.

Hospital / TrustContact details
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

London North West Healthcare NHS Trust – Ealing Hospital

Ealing Hospital is current unable to accept new applications.
We will update this when the situation changes.

Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust

The hospital is currently unable to take new applications.

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust – Charing Cross, Hammersmith, St Mary's, Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea, and Western Eye Hospitals Central Electives Team

This Trust is only accepting elective students from UK medical schools.
London North West Healthcare NHS Trust – Northwick Park Hospital

Northwick Park Hospital is currently unable to accept new applications.
We will update this when the situation changes.

Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust
This hospital is a specialist heart and lung centre working at two sites, Royal Brompton Hospital in Chelsea, and Harefield Hospital near Uxbridge

RBH Electives Administrator

West Middlesex University Hospital

Devina Alexander

Only accepts electives within the EU.
The hospital is currently unable to take new applications.

Summary of the table's contents