Contact us
Key contact information including: hospital sites, services, ward details, information on changing and cancelling appointments and how to submit your feedback.
Main address
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
The Bays
South Wharf Road
St Mary's Hospital
London W2 1NY
020 3311 3311
Our hospitals
Click on the links below for information on each hospital site, including ward contact details, where to park your car, how to find us, maps and hospital facilities.
Charing Cross Hospital
Fulham Palace Road
London W6 8RF
020 3311 1234
Visit Charing Cross Hospital for more information
Chaplaincy services
020 3312 1508
Contact the chaplaincy service
Feedback, compliments and complaints
020 3313 0088, Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00
Contact our patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for more information
Hammersmith Hospital
Du Cane Road
London W12 0HS
020 3313 1000
Visit Hammersmith Hospital for more information
Chaplaincy services
020 3312 1508
Contact the chaplaincy service
Feedback, compliments and complaints
020 3313 3322, Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00
Contact our patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for more information
Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea Hospital
Du Cane Road
London W12 0HS
020 3313 1111
Visit Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea Hospital for more information
Maternity helpline
020 3312 6135
Check maternity services for more information
Chaplaincy services
020 3312 1508
Contact the chaplaincy service
Feedback, compliments and complaints
020 3313 3322, Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00
Contact our patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for more information
St Mary's Hospital
Praed Street
London W2 1NY
020 3312 6666
Visit St Mary's Hospital for more information
Maternity helpline
020 3312 6135
Check maternity services for more information
Chaplaincy services
020 3312 1508
Contact the chaplaincy service
Feedback, compliments and complaints
020 3313 3322, Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00
Contact our patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for more information
St Mary's Hospital
Praed Street
London W2 1NY
020 3312 6666
Visit St Mary's Hospital for more information
Maternity helpline
020 3312 6135
Check maternity services for more information
Chaplaincy services
020 3312 1508
Contact the chaplaincy service
Feedback, compliments and complaints
020 3313 3322, Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00
Contact our patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for more information
Western Eye Hospital
Marylebone Road
London NW1 5QH
020 3312 6666
Visit Western Eye Hospital for more information
Chaplaincy services
020 3312 1508
Contact the chaplaincy service
Feedback, compliments and complaints
020 3313 3322, Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00
Contact our patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for more information
Western Eye Hospital
Marylebone Road
London NW1 5QH
020 3312 6666
Visit Western Eye Hospital for more information
Chaplaincy services
020 3312 1508
Contact the chaplaincy service
Feedback, compliments and complaints
020 3313 3322, Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00
Contact our patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for more information
Further contact information
- GP advice service
- GP liaison office
- Freedom of information requests
- Private healthcare services
- Press office
Useful links
- Where to go for care - click here for information on where to go and who to call for medical advice and treatment when you are feeling unwell or have had an accident.
- Changing or cancelling your appointment - check outpatients for more information
- Changing your admission date - check inpatients for more information
- Interpreting services - If you need a foreign language interpreter or sign language interpreter, please tell your GP. They will advise us when they refer you to our services. When the referral is triaged the clinician will decide on the method they will use for the interpretation. This may be via telephone, video or face to face. If you have not told your GP and you require a BSL interpreter please contact us at
- Patient transport - check patient transport for more information.
- Services and clinic information - our service directory provides information including contact details, clinic information, and referral advice for each of our clinical services.
- Accessing my health record - read further information about my health record
- Chaplaincy - our chaplaincy team offers confidential spiritual, religious and pastoral care to patients, visitors and staff, of all faiths, beliefs, religions and non-religions across our five hospital sites. Contact the chaplaincy team
- Careers - join us
About this page
- Last updated
Get involved Learn more
It’s really important that patients, their families and carers, and local residents are involved in informing and shaping everything we do, at all levels of our organisation. We are here to serve you and so we need to understand your needs and preferences. We believe that wider patient and public involvement can help us provide better care and ensure we play our part locally in creating strong and healthy communities.
We gather and analyse feedback that we receive through NHS Choices, national and local surveys, our patient advice and liaison service and complaints. We seek views and undertake consultations about specific changes and developments. But we also want to encourage other, more active ways of getting involved. We’ve listed the main ways here so that you can find the right approach for you.