How to make a Subject Access Request.

Download the subject access request application form

Note to staff

Not all subject access requests are sent directly to the Subject Access Team.  If you receive a request for personal data made under GDPR or the Data Protection Act please immediately forward the request to the Subject Access Team mailbox for processing at:

The request does not have to be sent directly to the Subject Access Team, or on the application form for it to be considered a valid request.


The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), grants you the right to access your personal data held by Imperial College. These requests are known as subject access requests and in accordance with Section 45, we will provide you confirmation that we are processing your personal data, provide you information pertaining to the processing of your personal data and provide you a copy of the personal data we hold.

Making a subject access request

Subject access requests can be submitted in writing or made verbally (subject to proof of identification) and whilst not a legal requirement, applicants are invited to complete our Subject Access Request application DPSA Request form as this will assist us in identifying the data held about you.

We expect to respond to your request within one month of receipt of your subject access request and proof of identity. In some cases (where requests are complex or numerous) we may take up to a further two months; we will let you know where this may be the case.

Please return your completed form / request together with your proof of ID or documentation that confirms your entitlement to act on the data subject’s behalf (for example, a signed form of authority or power of attorney) to the following:

Subject Access Team, Central Secretariat

Level 4
Faculty Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus


To request access to general information (non-personal information) held by the College, please refer to the College Website  or make a Freedom of Information request.