Induction and probation policy
In addition to College-wide guidance regarding Induction and Probation and their management, the following actions will be undertaken to support new members of staff in the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
- All new members of staff will undertake a formal induction programme over the first couple of months so that they are introduced to key management and support staff, and are acclimatised with relevant policies and procedures. This induction programme will include meetings with:
- a member of the HR team to cover as appropriate: contract of employment, getting paid, terms and conditions of employment, organisational and staff development, postdoctoral development centre, Imperial Expectations, Occupational Health, Confidential Care, getting up and running, staff benefits;
- a member of the Safety team to ensure staff members are supported to undertake their work in accordance with relevant safety legislation and policies;
- a member of the Finance team to ensure that staff members are supported to make purchases in accordance with procurement and expenses policies.
Induction programmes will incorporate guidance for line managers from the College's HR division.
- After 3 months, new academic staff members will give a lecture to the department about their areas of research so as to invite colleagues to collaborate in areas of mutual interest. Relevant colleagues from outside the department may be invited to attend. It is recommended that a welcome drinks or tea party is held after the lecture as a formal welcome to the department.
- Departments will organise speed networking events involving all academic staff at regular intervals (minimum every three years), in which each staff member gives a 1-3 minute presentation (using a slide if appropriate) about their areas of interest, so that colleagues are aware of each other’s work.
- Each new staff member will undertake a formal training plan, which is agreed as part of their induction. This will include mandatory training: MOST, RAFT, relevant safety training for different types of work, the Faculty’s Learning and Teaching Development Programme (LTDP) for new academic staff members, the Faculty’s Strategic Training in External Partnerships (STEP); and training relevant to the role e.g. Recruitment and Selection training for new line managers, relevant CPD agreed with the line manager. Training plans should also include attending Unconscious Bias and Bullying and Harassment training, and attendance at a PRDP Briefing Session.
- Each new member of staff will be provided with an induction pack, containing relevant information about the department, policies, procedures and contacts. This may be provided in any format that is appropriate for the department (e.g. DVD, online, hard copy).
- Academic members of staff on probation will have a mid-probation discussion with the HoD OR a general meeting with the HoD halfway through probation, as appropriate, to discuss progress, areas for development and support being provided.
- Completion of the Faculty’s LTDP is a condition of probation (and promotion is contingent on its completion) for academic staff.
- As part of mid- and end of probation review, there should be a check that all mandatory training has been undertaken.
- Academic Advisers (mentors) should be involved in formal mid- and end of probation discussions. Guidance for Academic Advisers as regards these duties is available on the Organisational and Staff Development website guidance for mentors.
- After the mid-probation discussion, a letter should be sent to the individual commenting on progress and setting clear objectives of what should be achieved by the final probationary review.