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The Faculty of Natural Sciences wishes to hear from you, to help us eliminate discrimination, harassment and bullying.

Have Your Say Hotline

0800 197 2814

Please state that you are calling the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College CiC Hotline

Workplace bullying: Have your say

Workplace bullying: Have your say
"I'd just like to be free": young women speak out about sexual harassment
Unconscious bias information and training

Have you been subject to or witnessed unwanted behaviour that is abusive, threatening or of a sexual nature? Are you managing discrimination, harassment and/or bullying?

We, as the Faculty of Natural Sciences:

  • Have set up a special hotline run by Confidential Care (CiC) the College’s current employee assistance provider. You will be able to speak confidentially to a professional counsellor on the issues affecting you and your colleagues and remain anonymous (if you wish). You are in control.
  • CiC will produce a strictly anonymous report indicating the scenarios and key issues.
  • The report will be used to challenge any behaviours that detract from the fantastic environment we work in.

Have your voice heard!

  • Take action and do not tolerate poor behaviour
  • You do not have to suffer in silence
  • Silence gives people permission to continue in their poor behaviour

Call the Have Your Say hotline on 0800 197 2814

Please state that you are calling the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College CiC Hotline.

Report online via the Report & Support Tool

Staff can also use the College’s Report and Support tool, which allows you to disclose unwelcoming behaviours such as bullying, harassment, sexual violence, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, racial discrimination and more.

Anyone can use the tool, including staff, students, contractors and visitors to the College. You can use the tool if you have witnessed an incident, or experienced bullying or harassment directly. You can disclose something anonymously or you can provide your details to be put in contact with someone. If you disclose something using the Report and Support tool this does not mean you have made a formal report to the College. However, if you ask to be put in contact with someone you will have the option to discuss the best interventions, specialist support, and identify the next steps.

Alternative contacts

If you would prefer to speak to a member of staff please get in touch with one of our campaign contacts:


More information

Find out more about Harassment and bullying support.