nThe Department of Mathematics of Imperial College London has established the Nelder Visiting Fellowship program to supplement sabbatical leaves and otherwise support extended visits to the Department. The aim is to enable experienced researchers of substantial international standing to visit the department for minimally one month, preferably during term time.The Visiting Fellows need not (yet) collaborate with any of the staff or postgraduate students of the department, but will be expected to interact actively with them during the visit, present a lecture series or mini-course (at postgraduate level) and a departmental colloquium.




Upcoming lecture series


The Department is delighted to welcome Professor Lenny Taelman (University of Amsterdam) as a Visiting Nelder Fellow in the Pure Section at Imperial College London from 1 January until 30 June 2022. 

ltLenny Taelman is a professor of Algebraic Geometry at the University of Amsterdam. He obtained his PhD in 2007, and since has worked on a broad range of topics in number theory and algebraic geometry. Lately his focus has been on questions in deformation theory motivated by the study of derived categories of coherent sheaves on Calabi--Yau varieties.  Webpage  

Professor Taelman will be delivering a series of lectures on “Deformation theory, classical and derived”.

Lectures are scheduled for 10-12 (with a break in the middle) in 341 on Thursdays, starting March 10th and ending April 7th.

More details will be communicated via weekly Maths Newsletter and events website.