The College's Strategy 2015-20 encourages multidisciplinary research and in February 2017, the Provost's approved the creation of additional structures to support cross-Faculty working. The Faculty of Natural Sciences is committed to multidisciplinary research  both internally across the College and in partnership with external academic and industrial collaborators. Our Centres and Networks of Excellence cut across the traditional silos of fundamental research conducted in our Departments with the aim to addressing the multidisciplinary scientific challenges of the future.

In order to support these research activities, a formal College-wide process of endorsement and consistent branding for multi-Faculty Centres and Networks has been created. For Centres and Networks that already exist, the College encourages complaince with this framework.

In parallel with the College process, the Faculty of Natural Sciences runs an annual call for Centres and Networks that are mainly based in FoNS. Applications should be submitted by the Centre Directors or Network Leaders to the Strategic Research Manager and require Head of Department approval. Applications will be reviewed and approved by the Faculty Research Committee. Faculty-approved initiatives will be featured in marketing material to prospective partners and funders. Faculty Centres and Networks will be required to write a short annual report to the Faculty Research Committee.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences is also host to a broad range of Centres for Doctoral Training and Doctoral Training Programmes.

How to create and register your Centre or Network of Excellence

Below are the guidance and application forms to create and register a new Centre or Network of Excellence.

How to create and register a new centre or network

Multi-Faculty Centres and Networks

A formal College-wide process of endorsement and consistent branding for multi-Faculty Networks and Centres has been created. This framework will apply to all new initiatives. Those that already exist are encouraged to work within the expectations of the framework, including its nomenclature, though this is not necessarily required if a compelling case can be made for keeping existing branding. Applications require support from the Head of Department and Faculty Vice-Dean (Research).

Multi-Faculty structures interested in the College approval process should contact the Research Office and visit their web page for all guidance documents and application forms. The Research Office runs an annual call, usually at the start of the academic year.

FoNS-Centric Centres and Networks

The Faculty of Natural Sciences runs a registration call for FoNS-centric Centres and Networks in parallel with the College process. Applications should be submitted by the Centre Directors or Network Leaders to the Strategic Research Manager and require Head of Department approval. Applications will be reviewed and approved by the Faculty Research Committee. Faculty-approved initiatives will feature heavily in any marketing material to external partners and funders. As the flagship multidisciplinay activities of the Faculty, they will qualify first for internal support, should funds be made available centrally.

Faculty Centres and Networks will be required to write a short annual report to the Faculty Research Committee.

FoNS-centric Centres and Networks structures interested in the Faculty approval process should contact the Strategic Research Manager. Click below for all guidance documents and application forms. The Faculty Research Committee runs an annual call, usually at the start of the Autumn.

Applications required support from the Head of Department.