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Questions?  Please contact our Project Coordinator Julie Maier at   (or leave a voicemail at 415-405-7558)

415-338-2845 FAX

Mailing Address:
San Francisco State University
Department of Special Education
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132-4158

Julie Maier's location on campus:
Ethnic Studies and Psychology Building (EP) - Room 415

Map of San Francisco State University

 Directions to Campus 

Our Team

Julie Maier

Julie Maier

Project Coordinator

Phone: 415-405-7558


Julie Maier is the Project Coordinator for CDBS. She joined the team in 2012 as an educational specialist and now coordinates our activities as well as provides technical assistance to the families and educational teams of children and youth who are deafblind across the state. Julie has been involved in the in the field of special education since 1987 when she first met and taught individuals who are deafblind in a community-based adult program and later in inclusive schools in Berkeley, CA as a paraeducator and special education teacher. From 1999-2021, she also served as a faculty member in the SFSU Department of Special Education in the roles of research assistant, course instructor, fieldwork supervisor, and personnel preparation program coordinator. The opportunity to train and mentor professionals entering the educational field was exciting and inspiring. Julie loves her job at CDBS which offers her opportunities to meet and work with remarkable families and educators and continually marvel at the creativeness, determination and resiliency of the children and youth our project serves.

Myrna Medina

Myrna Medina

Family Engagement Specialist

Phone: 951-785-7898

Myrna Medina has served as CDBS Family Engagement Specialist since 2000 supporting families who have a child with deafblindness.  She is the parent of two children, one of whom is deafblind as a result of an unknown etiology. Myrna is a native of Mexico and is fluent in English and Spanish. She has been instrumental in ensuring linguistic and cultural sensitivity of all CDBS Spanish language services and products.  Myrna serves as the coordinator as well as an active regional participant of the CDBS Network of Family Support Providers and is currently serving her second term as Secretary of the Coalition of Parents and Educators Deaf-Blind (COPE-DB), the statewide family organization on behalf of children who are deafblind.  Myrna also plays a leadership role in numerous organizations throughout the state, including Unidad y Fuerza (the FRC based at Miller Children’s Hospital in Long Beach), Centro de Niños y Padres at California State University Los Angeles, Birth-to-Five Vision Network, Junior Blind of America, and Dicapta, an OSEP-funded accessible communication development project.

Dr. Kathleen Mortier

Dr. Kathleen Mortier

Project Director

Phone: 415-338-7847

Dr. Kathleen Mortier is an associate professor in the Extensive Support Needs (moderate/severe disabilities) Program at SFSU and also serves as Coordinator of that program. Prior to joining the faculty at SFSU, she was involved in systems change and inclusive education in Central America and in Belgium. Her primary teaching responsibilities at SFSU include courses in instruction of students with extensive support needs, research methods, and inclusive education. Her research interests focus on inclusive education, communities of practice, family-school partnerships for Latinx families with children with disabilities, and literacy instruction for students with extensive support needs. She earned her Master’s degree in special education from SFSU and her Ph.D. in pedagogical science from Ghent University in Belgium.

Brian Devereux

Brian Devereux

Administrative Specialist

Phone: 415-405-7561

Brian Devereux joined CDBS as an Administrative Specialist in March, 2015. He coordinates and compiles the annual California Deafblind Child Count / Census, maintains the web sites for CDBS, and serves as intake for Technical Assistance requests. He enjoys working with CDBS to serve the students, educators, and families throughout the state.

Kayla Coburn

Kayla Coburn

Educational Specialist

Phone: 949-874-3524

Kayla Coburn is an Educational Specialist for CDBS. She joined the team in 2019 and provides technical assistance to students with deafblindness, families, and school teams. Kayla also works with Helen Keller National Center as a Rehabilitation Teacher and focuses on Independent Living Skills with adults with deafblindness. Kayla was a part of the first cohort that completed CDBS's specialization program while completing a master's degree in special education at San Francisco State University. The last five years, Kayla has been working in the classroom as a special education teacher in the Bay Area and more recently in Orange County. Kayla is excited to be apart of such a remarkable team and grow closer to a community she feels so passionate about. 

Maurice Belote

Maurice Belote

Retired Project Coordinator

Maurice Belote retired from CDBS effective December 30, 2021. Contact anyone at CDBS for assistance.

Logo: Ideas that Work - US Office of Special Education ProgramThe contents of this website were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H326T180015. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.  Project Officer, Susan Weigert.

Image of row of small circles used to create a border