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2012 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Black Womens Blueprint, Inc.

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Arts & Culture, Arts Services, Black Led, Civil Rights, Philanthropy, Voluntarism Promotion

Mission: Black Women’s Blueprint, Inc. is a civil and human rights organization of women and men. Our purpose is to take action to secure social, political and economic equality in American society now. We work to develop a culture where African-American women are fully empowered and where gender, race and other disparities are erased. We engage in progressive research, historical documentation, support movement building and organize for social justice steeped in the struggles of African-American women within their own communities and within dominant culture.


Our Black HerStory Project aims to counter the effects of popular culture, teaches Black History in order to promote respect and dignity for Black women by highlighting and teaching their rich contribution to history, raising self-esteem, self-worth, connecting the past to the present and future, reconnecting to roots and inspiring pride. Part museum, part library, this Project is committed to creating greater knowledge and appreciation of the relevance of Black women to Women’s History and Black Historical issues, through innovative exhibitions, public programs and educational interactive tours tailored for our boys and girls offering them alternative images of Black women. This program has already obtained materials for several exhibits on the lives of key Black women from throughout the African Diaspora. At capacity this program will house artifacts, books, papers, video documentaries, video re-enactments, periodicals, t-shirts, buttons, campaign banners, organizational files etc. in a grand space catering to community adults and youth alike.

Community Stories

11 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Rating: 5

Black Women's Blueprint (BWB) is one of the most influential nonprofit organizations I have come across. I truly didn't know much about Rape Culture of Black Women in America until I came across BWB, in which I was very much informed about the history & present of of the Rape Culture of Black Women through Black Women's' Voices. I myself am a survivor of sexual & domestic abuse, & hearing other Black Women talk about their similar experiences in a space that provides that for us is so inspiring for many. I really appreciate BWB for all the services they provide to our community and it is most certainly one of the best organizations I take part in.

Board Member

Rating: 5

The Black Women's Blueprint is healing realized. Through sisterhood, communal teaching, and safe space, Black women are empowered to be our best selves. What I love most about this organization is its integrity. It is literally a mission driven collective that takes a bold stance on serving Black women in our totality. Without compromise, BWB reflects love, support, knowledge, shared power, justice, and creativity. BWB is undaunted by this nation's urgent need: redefined equity.

1 Nikki4

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Black Women's Blueprint is redefining the role of advocacy in the lives of women of African descent in the U.S. Utilizing the approach of intersectional analysis, they're able to research, analyze and provide space for the whole Black woman. Black Women's Blueprint is the future of how Black women organize, collaborate and inspire.


Board Member

Rating: 5

To describe Black Women's Blueprint (BWB) is an "important" organization would be not only an understatement but, perhaps, a misnomer. BWB is an INDISPENSABLE organization. Black Women's Blueprint social justice advocacy and community organizing is unique and sucessful due in large part to the fact that issues relating to race, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economics and politics are understood to be instrinsically linked. Therefore, the struggle for racial, gender and economic empowerment and equality can never be mutally exclusive. BWB is one of few organizations (if not the only in NYC) whose work reflects the reality of the lives of Black women, men and families in this way. I know this is one of the main reasons BWB has been able to steadily attract and engage such a large and diverse group of members and supporters. Far from your average civil and human rights organization Black Women's Blueprint's mission and work is innovate and effective. BWB engages in progessive movement building from the community level to the pursuit of policy changes.


Rating: 5

Black Women's Blueprint encourages you to be a better, more informed individual. When you enter into their beautiful new space you can see books on the shelves written by people of African descent and you want to know what is said inside them, or the gallery of pictures on the wall dedicated to the Honor of the Women of Wednesday in Mississippi and you have never heard of it before but suddenly you want to know more. Or you may hear the name Edith Savage Jennings that doesn't sound familiar, a woman who was behind the scenes and not properly acknowledged in history is now brought to the forefront and revered as a pioneer of our time at BWB. These phenomenal women who started Black Women's Blueprint are exceptional. They make you feel strong and want to learn more about your background and heritage and feel a true sense of pride.

Sherley A.

Board Member

Rating: 5

When the Co-Founder Ms. Farah Tanis called me to offer an idea of what she wanted to do, I was simply amazed at the sheer magnificence of the Love that exists in her for Pan-African Girls & Women’s' Rights residing in America. Ms. Tanis & her fellow Board Members chiseled at this idea to expand Black Women's Blueprint (BWB) to become a wide Network that incorporates the motto "the personal is political". Women from all walks of Life (and some men) are welcomed with their individual gifts and talents, which are encouraged to blossom and sprout to our communities.
It all started with bringing Art and History into NYC public schools. It is admirable to recognize the thirst and enthusiasm that these demonstrated by being active participants in the homework and projects about notable Blacks that are not highlighted in the History books.
There are other phenomenal “Truth Commissions” that Black Women’s Blueprint endeavors to educate us about whose shoulders we stand on. Successful productions such as Mother Tongue Monologues that receive “Rave Reviews”. Because the founders of BWB are in tuned with our women’s needs, this year a day of release was created; Catharsis offered attendees a safe space to release particular traumas and it also opened the doors to local practitioners and artists to showcase their talents. Black Women’s Blueprint believes in supporting local businesses/entrepreneurs and this in and of itself is a method of Occupying Wall Street.
Quite recently, in the new office space a Museum entitled “MoWRe” has been erected in Honor of the Women of Wednesday in Mississippi. To sit at the table where Ms. Coretta Scott-King, Rosa Parks, and other Civil Rights Women communed to bring about change for the people is an esteemed honor.
Black Women’s Blueprint is the Light House of our community. It would be a privilege to support such a successful circular organization to continue with the work that it is already doing.


Rating: 5

Black Women's bleuprints in The Organization that first made me realize my potential as a woman, a black woman; I have power, I have a voice, I am "someone". With Black Women's blueprint, I discovered that I was A Strong Woman, not a victim, that I was a leader, not a follower. I also discovered that I was a Healer, a Mother of millions, and that in me, is the fountain of youth and of life itself. With Black Women's blueprints, I learned that I have wings and that I can fly as high as I want. I discovered Hope, and I will say with the Anonymous Writer: "Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieve the impossible." Black Women's blueprints embrace every cause and speak the voice of every community in need and move mountains to reach its goal which is: Equality for all.

Board Member

Rating: 5

At Black Women's Blueprint I have found empowerment and sisterhood like never before. So much information, so much I've learned, so many resources. So much I have gained personally and professionally. Blueprint is extremely successful, very effective at supporting, nurturing and healing Women of African descent.

Board Member

Rating: 5

An organization that appreciates the voice of each member. Each member has ownership and each member can be a leader, can heal, recover, and revolutionize the world.


Rating: 5

Black Women's Blueprint is a place where all women feel they have a voice. I am able to share my stories and be part of the collective decision making process. I have never been part of an organization that made me feel like I own it as much as all the other women in the room. I am more of a leader today because of Black Women's Blueprint. I have community, I am supported, I am empowered, I am viewed as greatness and not the messages that others try to impose on me as a black woman. Because of Black Women's Blueprint, I am a greater me. That is why I love this organization.

Farah T.

Board Member

Rating: 5

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Out of the huts of history's shame, I rise.
Up from a past that's rooted in pain, I rise.
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide.

Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear, I rise.
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear, I rise.
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave.
I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise, I rise, I rise.
~Maya Angelou

For Those Whom with Their Hands, Fingers and Feet, Ideas, Knowledge and All Manner of Resources, Helped Build Black Women’s Blueprint. Thank You

For me Black Women's Blueprint is about our collective survival. The organization has changed my life in the sense that it has provided me with the space and connections I so needed with others who believe in the humanity of women of Africa descent, others fiercely committed to women's well-being, in railing against systems of oppression, in telling my/our stories, in holding community accountable. Most of all this organization has helped me to be of better support to survivors of sexual assault in my life whom I love dearly. I am learning everyday from all the others involved at Black Women's Blueprint.