A woman's sexuality is a complex interplay of physical and emotional responses that affects the way she thinks and feels about herself. A sexual problem can hurt her personal relationships and her self-esteem. Yet, many women hesitate to talk about their sexuality with their health care professionals, and many health professionals are reluctant to begin a discussion about sexuality with their patients. READ MORE

Female Sexual Dysfunction: Talk About It and Get Help

Women's sexual problems are too often discounted as mental or emotional. Talk to your health care professional to get the help you need and deserve.

Sexual Dysfunction

Good Sex With Emily Jamea: Sexual Fantasies

Think your sexual fantasy is weird? I promise it’s not.

Sexual Health

Stress Is Contagious in Relationships – Here’s What You Can Do to Support Your Partner and Boost Your Own Health During the Holidays and Beyond

The holidays are festive and fun, but they can also put stress on your relationship. See how you can do to help keep this time of year cheerful.

Your Wellness

Good Sex With Emily Jamea: The Burden of Sexual Shame

Identifying and understanding the roots of your sexual shame are key to letting it go

Sexual Health

Why Covid-19 Must Be Included in Safer Sex Messaging on College Campuses

With Covid-19 with us for the foreseeable future, it has become increasingly clear that educators need to develop a new definition of safer sex

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