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 The UF College of Dentistry is the only public-funded dental school in Florida and is recognized as one of the top U.S. dental schools for the quality of its educational programs, oral health research enterprise and commitment to patient care and service.

 The College of Medicine, the largest of six colleges at the University of Florida Academic Health Center, opened in 1956 with a mission to increase Florida's supply of highly qualified physicians, provide advanced health-care services to Florida residents and foster discovery in health research.

 Founded in 1956, the University of Florida College of Nursing is the premier educational institution for nursing in the state of Florida and is ranked in the top 10 percent of all nursing graduate programs nationwide. The UF College of Nursing continually attracts and retains the highest caliber of nursing students and faculty with a passion for science and caring. 

 Established in 1923, the College of Pharmacy is the oldest college in the UF Academic Health Center. Ranked among the top schools of pharmacy nationally, the college supports research, service and educational programs enhanced with online technologies.

 The College of Public Health & Health Professions (PHHP) is dedicated to providing excellent educational programs that prepare graduates to address the multifaceted health needs of populations, communities and individuals.

 The UF College of Veterinary Medicine is Florida's only veterinary college and provides many unique educational programs for students and services aimed at helping pets, wildlife and endangered species. We offer a a four-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine programs as well as M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Veterinary Medical Sciences.

 Co-located with the Shands Jacksonville Hospital, the Jacksonville Health Science Center excels in education, research and patient care that expresses our abiding values of compassion, excellence, professionalism and innovation. Our state-of-the-art medical center serves an urban population of 1 million from north Florida to south Georgia.

 The UFCOM-J offers accredited graduate medical education residency and fellowship programs, in addition to non-standard fellowship programs. Clinical rotations in all the major disciplines are provided for UFCOM undergraduate medical students and elective rotations to students from other accredited schools.

 The UFHSC-J is a clinical teaching site for the Gainesville-based College of Nursing. Students rotate through the various clinical settings on the campus, and primary care centers and specialty care centers located throughout Jacksonville.

 The UF College of Pharmacy-Jacksonville offers a four-year Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Program completed entirely in Jacksonville. Also offered on campus is an American Society of Health-System Pharmacists-accredited pharmacy residency program at Shands Jacksonville.

 University of Florida Health knows how important ongoing medical learning is to health care providers and the community. That is why we provide online Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses for you to complete for CME credits. These courses share the latest in medical knowledge, teach new patient-relationship skills and help providers deal with relevant current issues.

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   Research News       UF Health liver transplant program outcomes reach no. 1 in nation  Read More       UF Health researchers develop app to help monitor new moms for postpartum... Read More       UF Health team receives $6.6 million to study treatments to boost cognition for... Read More          Community   UF Health at Gainesville  Calendar Patient Programs News Community Programs Support Groups Classes & Seminars Community Benefits Health Fairs & Screenings  UF Health at Jacksonville  Community Programs News Volunteer Community Benefit Support Groups & Classes  Animal Health  Community Programs News Veterinary Extension Volunteer Opportunities Support Groups & Classes    UF Health Social Media Accounts  Facebook Twitter Youtube  Community News       UF Health liver transplant program outcomes reach no. 1 in nation  Read More       UF Health researchers develop app to help monitor new moms for postpartum... Read More         Community Campaigns  VOLUNTEER      About   About UF Health  Vision & Values Clinical Quality & Patient Safety Social Mission & Community UF Health Leadership Facts & Figures Awards & Recognition Locations Jobs  Contact Us  Request an Appointment Find a Doctor Contact a Patient    UF Health Facts               COVID-19 Vaccines: The best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. You can get a vaccine in many places in your community. Find a walk-up location or schedule an appointment today.Read more

                                                          UF Health Shands Hospital ranked among nation’s best in maternity care UF Health Shands Hospital has been recognized as high performing among the nation’s best for high-quality, patient-centered maternity care, according to U.S. News & World Report’s inaugural Best Hospitals for Maternity rating.

      Patients who recover from severe COVID-19 still have significant risk of death, UF study finds Patients who have recovered from severe COVID-19 have more than twice the mortality risk within the year following their illness than people who have not contracted the virus.

      UF, Scripps Research green-light integration for Florida science powerhouse The University of Florida and Scripps Research have signed an agreement to welcome Scripps Florida into the research arm of UF’s academic health center.

      Unvaccinated, expectant mother nearly dies of COVID-19    A pregnant UF Health patient becomes a vaccine champion after she and her unborn baby nearly die of COVID-19.           Find a Doctor by:    Search        Specialty  - Specialty -AllergyAnesthesiologyCritical Care MedicinePain MedicineSpeech Language PathologyDentistryCommunity Dentistry and Behavioral ScienceEndodonticsOral and Maxillofacial Diagnostic SciencesOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOrthodonticsPediatric DentistryPeriodontologyProsthodonticsDermatologyEar, Nose, and Throat ENTNeurotologyEmergency MedicinePediatric Emergency MedicineFamily MedicineMedicineCardiovascular DiseaseEndocrinology, Diabetes and MetabolismGastroenterologyGeneral Internal MedicineGeriatric MedicineHematologyHematology and OncologyHospital MedicineInfectious DiseaseNephrologyOncologyPulmonary DiseaseRheumatologySleep MedicineTransplant HepatologyNeurologyNeuromuscular MedicineVascular NeurologyNeurosurgeryNuclear MedicineObstetrics and GynecologyFemale Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive SurgeryMaternal and Fetal MedicineReproductive Endocrinology and InfertilityOphthalmologyOrthopaedics and RehabilitationOrthopaedic Sports MedicineOrthopaedic SurgeryPathology, Immunology and Laboratory MedicineAnatomic and Clinical PathologyAnatomic PathologyClinical PathologyCytopathologyForensic PathologyPediatric Genetics and MetabolismClinical CytogeneticsPediatricsAdolescent MedicineNeonatal-Perinatal MedicinePediatric CardiologyPediatric Critical Care MedicinePediatric EndocrinologyPediatric GastroenterologyPediatric Hematology-OncologyPediatric Infectious DiseasePediatric NephrologyPediatric NeurologyPediatric PulmonaryPediatric RheumatologyPediatric SurgeryPhysical Medicine and RehabilitationPsychiatryAddiction MedicineAddiction PsychiatryAdult PsychiatryChild and Adolescent PsychiatryForensic PsychiatryPsychologyClinical Child / Pediatric PsychologyClinical Health PsychologyClinical NeuropsychologyClinical PsychologyRadiation OncologyRadiologyDiagnostic RadiologyNeuroradiologyNuclear RadiologyVascular and Interventional RadiologySports MedicineSurgeryCritical Care SurgeryPlastic SurgerySurgical OncologyTransplant SurgeryVascular SurgerySurgical Critical CareThoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryCongenital Heart SurgeryUrologyPediatric UrologyWomen's Health       My Chart: A free patient care tool to manage your health New to MyUFHealth?

 Sign Up Today Login to MyUFHealth               For PatientsLocations & DirectionsMedical CareMedical RecordsBilling,Costs & InsuranceFind a DoctorMore... Visitors & FamilyAbout UF HealthLocations & DirectionsNewsVolunteersMore... Health ProfessionalsReferrals & ConsultsHospital TransfersCareers at UF HealthContinuing EducationCredentialingMore... StudentsHealth Science CenterColleges in GainesvilleContinuing EducationLibrariesHSC JacksonvilleMore... ResearchersResearch StudiesCenters and InstitutesResearch SupportResearch AdministrationTechnology LicensingMore...        News & Announcements       UF Health liver transplant program outcomes reach no. 1 in nation  Jan 25, 2022

 It’s in the organ’s name — you can’t live without a liver.   For patients in need of a...

      UF Health researchers develop app to help monitor new moms for postpartum complications Jan 24, 2022

 Obstetricians know many new mothers won’t come in for a doctor’s visit in the first four to six...

      UF researchers develop genetic score to improve pediatric cancer treatments Jan 13, 2022

 University of Florida researchers have developed a new genomics-based score to deliver more...

       Visit the newsroom »    Multimedia     Jaw-dropping recovery: UF veterinarians save injured dairy calf using creative 3D solution Play Video     More than patient care: UF Health Archer Family Health Care celebrates 20th anniversary  Play Video      See more videos »    UF Health Events      Jan 25   Midday Stretch & Renew  Tuesdays at 11:30 am

       Jan 26    Get the facts about Parkinson's disease - Wellness University webinar Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022, 1:30 p.m.

       Feb 11   Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Support Group Every 2nd Friday of each month at Noon ET/ 11 a.m. CT

       Mar 11   Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Support Group Every 2nd Friday of each month at Noon ET/ 11 a.m. CT

       Apr 8   Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Support Group Every 2nd Friday of each month at Noon ET/ 11 a.m. CT

       May 13   Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Support Group Every 2nd Friday of each month at Noon ET/ 11 a.m. CT

       See all upcoming events »        From the Hope & Healing Blog         Devine Intervention: Stars Align for Pulmonologist’s Lung Transplant   by UF Health    • Sep 23, 2021   Authors: Dorothy Hagmajer & Talal Elmasry After night shifts in the ICU, Sean Devine is tired. This is not atypical. In fact, Sean and his family...READ MORE         Featured Articles        Join our free seminar to ‘Get the facts about Parkinson’s disease’   by Talal Elmasry   Tremors. Slowing of movements. Stiffening of extremities. These can be indications that you have Parkinson’s disease, and what’s important to keep...READ MORE

    • Jan 21, 2022        Burn prevention and safety tips for kids   by Lauren Indelicato, DNP, APRN, CPNP AC/PC   ...READ MORE

    • Jan 18, 2022        Not all superheroes wear capes   by UF Health   Written By: Kathleen Giery “Zach was the one that if you were on the side of the road, and you looked like you needed help, he would stop...READ MORE

    • Jan 11, 2022               Together we discover. Together we teach. Together we care for our patients and our communities. Together we create unstoppable momentum.

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