Provide Up to Date Voter Information

Secretaries of State and Departments of Elections have a critical role in providing accurate and up to date information about voting.
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Quickly and Easily Inform Voters:
Early Voting, Absentee Voting and Vote by Mail

Improve your community relations with cost effective and efficient voter education

Icon of A Calendar

Keep Voters Informed About Changes & Deadlines

Inform & Assist voters with:
  • Checking their registration status
  • Registration Deadlines
  • Early Voting Dates
  • ID or other requirements to vote
  • Vote by mail procedures & requirements
  • Apply for absentee voting
  • Verify polling place, election district, and/or dropbox locations
  • Check absentee ballot status
Icon of a Phone Getting a Notification

Answer Questions in Multiple Languages

  • Automated Election Helpdesk available 24/7
  • Multiple languages
  • Add to your website to reduce your staff burden

Provide Trustworthy Answers & Combat Disinformation

  • Maintain election integrity
  • Reduce confusion on voting requirements and dates

Provide Trustworthy Answers and Combat Disinformation


Answers questions in multiple languages 24/7.

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Directly Communicate With Millions


Rapidly and easily send time-sensitive information via SMS and voice

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Proven Solution for Voter Education

Get the time and services of a dedicated team

Our full services team provides project management, SMS & chatbot expertise, data analysis, QA and account management - to ensure that your election outreach is successful.

We are A Partner

Our mission is aligned with yours. We exclusively serve government and service providers. We share your values and commitment to provide excellent government services.

This is an example of an elections chatbot, showing questions a user may ask and the responses they would get back.

CommunityConnect Labs proved one of our most valuable partners in reaching out to and engaging Virginia's hardest to count communities. The team was incredibly responsive, dedicated, and innovative in approach and played a significant role in our efforts.

Kelly Thomasson
Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia
City of San Jose

What’s New

SMS Best Practices for 2020 Elections

Top 7 Tips to Ensure Your SMS Texts for 2020 Elections Are Delivered
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Partner Highlight: Commonwealth of Virginia

The Commonwealth of Virginia: Innovative Outreach Strategies for a Successful Census
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Get Accurate Voting Information Out Quickly

Voters are hungry for updated information from election agencies like never before.
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Everything you need,
deployed in a matter of days.

CommunityConnect Labs’ solutions are built to meet the operational demands of governments and providers. It’s always scalable, reliable, and secure.

Fast Deployment

Your solution will be up and running in days. There’s no software to learn, there’s no monthly training. We configure and test all the software for you. You can sit back and just do your normal job.

Easy Changes

Changes are easy and quick. Our system is highly flexible and our implementation specialists are here to make changes to your workflow.  

Simple Pricing

Our total solution pricing is simple and predictable.  It includes everything - services, technology and 3rd party SMS fees. And we know that things change, so we don’t nickel and dime you for changes.

Easy to Integrate

Our modular solutions are designed to be easily customized to fit into your existing workflow - no code needed. Or you can make something fancy with our engineering resources.

Reliable and Secure

Our enterprise-class security and SLA is trusted by leading government agencies.

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